United nations online courses. Online and in-person training courses.

United nations online courses Instruction led offerings: The courses are regularly scheduled for synchronous learning and guided by experienced tutors. During this self-paced course you will gain knowledge that comes from the lessons learned from four pioneering programmes in the region spanning over more than 10 years. Learn more about the UN Handbook. The United Nations free online courses are totally free of cost. Face-to-face. e. Access flier on tax cooperation online courses Jan 1, 2025 · The "Common Premises online training" is a self-paced learning path developed by the United Nations Development Coordination Office (UNDCO) in collaboration with the UN System Staff College (UNSSC) with the aim of providing learning solutions for the Common Premises working groups in each country. The course lays the foundations for an advanced course focused on HOW to apply the integrated approach in practice. It contains both guidance and training documents on a variety of thematic areas including on Child Protection, Peacekeeping training is a strategic investment that enables UN military, police, and civilian personnel to effectively implement increasingly The United Nations Young Leaders Online Training Programme consists of a 4-week e-Learning course. We offer nearly 100 full-length courses at the college and professional Recommended Courses : Course Title: Institution: Location: Duration: Price: XX Migration Summer School: Thinking Beyond the Crisis: European University Institute Recommended Courses : Course Title: Institution: Location: Duration: Price: ToT Certification Programme Building Modern and Effective Labour Inspection Systems: ITC-ILO: Online: 2 weeks Sep 21, 2022 · This course offers an overview of the history of UN peacekeeping from the founding of the United Nations in 1945 up to present day and presents current trends in peacekeeping that may shape the future. Online: 11 weeks: 2000 USD: UN Diplomacy 4. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. In this massive open online course, learn all about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. de la These courses are offered in three different ways: Open access: The course materials are publicly available on our online learning platform, allowing you to engage in self-guided learning. Faculty and Learning Environment Technical background in climate science is not required to complete this course. Some The United Nations Public Administration Network (UNPAN) Online Training Centre offers courses on various topics in public administration. You can search by title, keyword, provider, competency, topic or format. Self-paced courses. Climate change. Authorized users shall ensure that their use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources and ICT data is consistent with their obligations as staff All courses we have listed on this page are either from or about the United Nations. Courses in English; Courses in Unauthorized access to this United Nations Computer System is prohibited by ST/SGB/2004/15 ("Use of information and communication technology resources and data" of 29 November 2004). The administrative process typically takes an average of 5-10 working days. One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership (UN CC:Learn) is a collaborative initiative involving more than 30 multilateral organizations which supports countries in designing and implementing country-driven, results-oriented and sustainable learning to address climate change. for Peace" podcast explores the challenges artificial intelligence presents for international peace and security and connects them with the practical world of AI development. You can get a verified certificate after completing the course requirement. Please check the FAO Catalogue of Resources for Academia supporting the United Nations 2030 Agenda through the transformation to more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems for better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life, leaving no one behind. Authorized users shall ensure that their use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources and ICT data is consistent with their obligations as staff UNEP and its partners offer a wide range of courses on critical environmental issues. Dec 9, 2024 · Applications are now open for United Nations SDG Academy's free online courses in 2025. You can find courses open for Our course materials are written by a former Special Representative of the Secretary-General, a former Military Adviser to the UN Secretary-General, a former Force Commander, respected academics and technical specialists, and courses developed in partnership with the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), the World Health Organization (WHO Massive Open Online Course. The courses are on-going and can be accessed at any time. Tailor-made Procurement Training Courses. Introduction to Security Sector Reform . It also pays special attention to the role played by UN in maintaining international ord Show More The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is a global leader in the fight against illicit drugs, crime in all its forms, and terrorism. This hands-on course is designed for everyone who strives to work in international organizations such as the United Nations, the European Union, or the OSCE. United Nations Young Leaders Online Training Programme - April 2025. UNDRR’s Global Education and Training Institute (GETI), located in Incheon, Republic of Korea, works globally with governments, institutions, the private sector and civil society to build capacity to mainstream disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation into sustainable development. Climate Information and Services. Explore learning opportunities The Master of Arts in International Law and the Settlement of Disputes is a graduate programme that offers an understanding of the role that international law and institutions play in the settlement of international and transnational disputes. The United Nations Young Leaders Online Training Programme consists of a 4-week e-Learning course implemented on UNITAR’s e-learning platform. These courses are available free of charge to all assigned or deployed UN Volunteers. About Learning Centre. The United Nations Statistics Division maintains a Learning Management System, which hosts e-learning courses developed by UNSD, as well as e-learning courses developed under the UN Committee of Experts on Big Data and Data science for Official Statistics (UN-CEBD). org Unauthorized access to this United Nations Computer System is prohibited by ST/SGB/2004/15 ("Use of information and communication technology resources and data" of 29 November 2004). UNITAR Courses: United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) UNITAR offers a variety of courses you can take online. It comprises 4 different modules, can be studied in a self-paced manner and requires 4-6 hours of studying per week. Learn at your own pace with e-learning courses, learning plans, and essential guides that will help you learn key sustainability concepts, anytime, anywhere. English. Intranet; Our self-paced free online courses are a perfect choice for anyone willing to get familiar with the basic concepts and topics in the area of conflict, peace, and security. Enroll anytime and access self-paced or interactive modules with multimedia contents and certificates. Learn about various topics related to sustainable development, human rights, peace and security, and more from UNITAR's free and open online courses. From sustainable cities to human rights to climate action, each of our courses addresses the fundamental challenge facing our world today: How do people, communities, businesses and governments coexist, cooperate and collaborate to save the one planet we have? The SDG Academy's Online and in-person training courses. The mission and work of the United Nations are If you already have an account at UN DESA Learning Centre, take the online course here. Once we receive the payment, we will register you as a participant for the course, and the Online Courses Administration Team will contact you. 1. The All-American Model UN online courses are a complete way to dive head first into the world of Model UN. If you do not have an account, register here. The digital ecosystem in which diplomats operate offers new opportunities, especially for smaller states, but also challenges traditional activities and organisational structures. Agora's Catalogue helps you find the right learning opportunity amongst hundreds of options. In this free-of-charge massive The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) provides innovative learning solutions to individuals, organizations and institutions to enhance global decision-making and support country-level action for shaping a better future. Web-based. It is currently made up of 193 Member States. What is Conflict? The goal of this course is to provide a basic baggage of knowledge, which can then be expanded by taking further courses in conflict analysis and This self-paced free course has been developed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP), UNITAR/UN CC:Learn, with valuable contributions from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), UN Women, UNDP, UN Environment and the Secretariats of the Multilateral Environmental Agreements that the Mar 12, 2021 · Saylor Academy is a nonprofit initiative working since 2008 to offer free and open online courses to all who want to learn. Learn the foundations for writing effectively at the United Nations over the course of four lessons focusing on purpose and audience, organization, style and tone. In September 2015, the world’s leaders signed on to this new agenda, answering the call for a global vision of important social, economic and environmental needs to support the planet and its people in long-term prosperity and survival. The courses are offered on a recurring basis at the following locations: Bangkok, New Delhi, Dubai, Nairobi, Abuja, Rome, Vienna, Copenhagen, New York, Washington DC, and Panama (delivered in Spanish). The course explains the rationale, drivers, challenges, and opportunities for an integrated approach to tackling poverty-environment issues. The United Nations Public Administration Network (UNPAN) Online Training Centre delivers courses and features training material on various topics in public administration. Discover the value of UN-led online courses: gain firsthand knowledge from experienced professionals and enhance your skills. The United Nations Public Administration Network (UNPAN) Online Training Centre offers courses on various topics in public administration. FAO FOUR BETTERS COURSES CATALOGUE: RESOURCES FOR ACADEMIA. See full list on humanrightscareers. UN SDG:Learn is a United Nations initiative that aims to bring relevant and curated learning solutions on sustainable development topics to individuals and organizations. All training courses can be delivered at your preferred location and time on cost recovery basis. This is a self-paced course and progress is saved automatically. E-learning. Our Courses. With certification. Know more. 0: UNITAR: Online + Geneva: 7 weeks: 2600 USD: e-coaching on social protection: towards responsive systems: ITC-ILO: Online: 3 months: 1980 EUR: Innovative Financing Solutions for Resilience: IIX Impact Institute: Online: 7 weeks: 525 USD: Master class on Behavioral Design (in German) Morten Munster Students undertake research that links directly with the work of the United Nations and its specialized agencies, as well as numerous intergovernmental processes. MOOC on Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience Nature offers many solutions to reduce the impacts of disasters and climate change, such as protecting forests on steep slopes, maintaining sand dunes along coastline and wetlands to buffer excess rainwater. UNEP FI works with more than 450 members, including banks, insurers, investors, and over 100 supporting institutions, to help create a financial Feb 21, 2024 · Four-week online learning path with micro-content designed to respond to the needs and challenges of middle-managers and leaders across the UN system accompanied by weekly webinars and a moderated forum; 360-degree Assessment aligned with the UN System Leadership Framework; Six intensive days of virtual classroom training composed of: This course provides in-depth analysis of The United Nations. Welcome to a repository of courses on UNEP's substantive programmatic areas of work. Take free human rights online courses offered by the United Nations (UN), leading NGOs and top universities. Nov 20, 2024 · Find hundreds of online courses on various topics offered by the United Nations System, from sustainable development to human rights, climate change to nuclear safety, and more. I. The e-learning course will be implemented on UNITAR's e-Learning platform. UN personnel can find online modules and courses covering a broad range of leadership and management-related topics relevant to the UN system and access a growing collection of management-related tools. Jul 10, 2024 · Course Schedule. Oct 14, 2022 · This course is the second of the series. For start and end dates, please refer to each course page. Browse the list of courses by UN agency and access the learning platforms and resources. The course consists of three modules, each taking approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. Learn how the United Nations and other human rights organizations tackle the most pressing human rights issues of our time. This e-learning course is a self-paced course with individual 10 modules developed by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (UNSIAP), and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). Foundations of Writing for the United Nations . Security sector reform (SSR) is a nationally-owned process aimed at ensuring that security and justice providers are accountable to the state and its people; deliver effective, efficient and affordable security and justice services that meet the people’s needs; operate within a framework of good governance, rule of law, and respect for human rights 2 days ago · The Peacekeeping Resource Hub hosts relevant peacekeeping guidance and training materials for Member States to train prospective peacekeepers. Login. If you want to work for the United Nations one of the best ways to get an understanding of the organisation, and gain the skills needed to apply, is to do an online course. com After completing the application, you will receive a confirmation email along with the payment information. These courses provide learners with the skills and knowledge necessary to lead the way in addressing pressing global problems. The programme fee of $3,400 covers: the four-week online learning path with micro-content designed to respond to the needs and challenges of middle-managers and leaders across the UN system accompanied by weekly webinars and a moderated forum; Bruges, Belgium/Online: 5 days: 2650 EUR In person/1850 EUR Online: Monitoring and Evaluation for Results Training: IMA International: Online: 8 weeks: 1400 GBP: Monitoring and Evaluation Certification Programme: ITC ILO: Online: 8 weeks: 1150 USD: PRINCE2 7th Edition Foundation: PRINCE2: Online: 3 days: 1120 EUR: Project Management Basics - An The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is a principal training arm of the United Nations, working in every region of the world. The solution-oriented nature and global setting of our certificate programmes allows for a learning experience that is unique to a university within the framework of the United Nations. It is hosted by SDG academy and is completely free of cost, MD self-paced. With 3000+ free courses available, seize the opportunity to align with the UN's mission and boost your credibility. Module 1: The United Nations; Module 2: Conference Feb 14, 2022 · The Online Certificate on International Law and the UN system offers a unique opportunity for both students wanting to pursue a career in international law or international relations, and professionals working in international and regional organizations as well as governmental and non-governmental institutions, to expand their knowledge on international law, multilateral diplomacy and the Benefits of the UNICEF Free Online Courses 2025: All the courses are free. Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP) 7 Place de Fontenoy. Choose live or on-demand sessions and gain new insights and best practices from world-class leaders, changemakers and practitioners on today’s most pressing sustainability issues. $3,880 Deadline: 10 Apr 2025. Online: 3 weeks: 199 USD: Using Data And Information for Crisis-Sensitive Educational Planning: UNESCO IIEP: Online: 5 weeks: 1600 USD: ToT Certification Programme: ITC-ILO: Online: 4 weeks: 1775 EUR: Professional Coach Training: Co-Active Training Institute: Online: 15 days: 5700 USD: From in-classroom training to e-learning: A hands-on 4 days ago · United Nations University Explore postgraduate programmes and non-degree courses tailored to your interests and career. Public – by registration. , three course sessions per day (10:00–11:40, 12:30–14:10 and 14:30–16:10), though no single course will take the entire three sessions of one day. Unauthorized access to this United Nations Computer System is prohibited by ST/SGB/2004/15 ("Use of information and communication technology resources and data" of 29 November 2004). Marco Kamiya (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) SDG: SDG 1, SDG 8, SDG 9. Here we’ve put together a list of our top recommended online courses for people who want to get a job with the United Nations. If you need help with the registration process, look at this step-by-step manual. Its main objective is to increase learning opportunities for government officials and citizens from all over the world. Online training course on cyberdiplomacy Based on the assessments and recommendations of the GGE reports, the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs has developed, with the support of the Government of Singapore and in collaboration with other key partners, this online training course to encourage greater understanding of the use of ICTs This course contains seven self-paced modules that will assist the user in understanding and applying the Nelson Mandela Rules as the universally acknowledge minimum standard for the management of prisons and the treatment of prisoners. There are no registration charges for the UNICEF online courses. UNODC’s Global eLearning Programme produces and delivers online training through innovative hi-tech methodologies, in order to enhance criminal justice practitioners’ responses to global human This introductory course teaches learners WHAT is an integrated approach to sustainable development and WHY is it needed. Introduction to Model United Nations Course. UNICEF training is self-paced, so you can manage them in accordance with your time. Open Online Course on Gender and Environment. Enroll in United Nations Online Courses and make your time productive during the quarantine. With an expert faculty spread across 14 UNU institutes in 12 countries, UNU is a truly global university in structure, operation and ambition. There will be approximately fifteen 100-minute sessions per course — i. openlearning@unesco. UNESCO. Some courses explore the history, systems or function of the United Nations, other UN courses are dedicated to specific topics such as Social Change, Human Rights, International Relations or Sustainable Development. Cities and Climate Change. As you have cared so much for others, let us help you embark on the journey of taking care of yourself! CONFLICT SERIES. The directory below contains both, introductory level courses and advanced courses on specific human rights issues. Thought Leadership Course - Synergizing Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation 2022 - United Nations System Staff College. The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH) has partnered with CATHALAC to develop a knowledge based, online training course on water security. Scheduled courses combine moderated, blended and/or face to face methodologies. Nov 11, 2019 · New digital technologies have had, and will continue to have, a profound impact on both the practice and content matter of diplomacy. Application deadlines and starting dates for 2025 Top Introduction to the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law In an increasingly economically interdependent world, the importance of an improved legal framework for the facilitation of international trade and investment is widely acknowledged. The United Nations Regional Courses in International Law were launched under the United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law, established by General Assembly resolution 2099 (XX) of 20 December 1965 and most recently mandated by General Assembly resolution 74/185 of 18 Jan 1, 2024 · Course contents There are four modules in this learning path which will be released chronologically: Module 1: Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development : a brief introduction to the profound changes our world is going through as we rapidly scale up the use of technology in every sphere of our lives. Our portfolio includes 50+ free Massive Open Online Courses taught by a global faculty from the United Nations, The World Bank, universities such as New York University, Harvard University, the University of Oxford, the Stockholm Resilience Centre, and other academic, government, and non-profit institutions. No prior knowledge is required. The course will cover the theoretical basis, different stages of design and implementation, costs, financing mechanisms and benefits of a voluntary national programme (NVCFPs). Module 1: The United Nations ; Module 2: Conference Diplomacy The United Nations University (UNU) organises a number of specialised non-degree courses and training opportunities throughout the global UNU system each year; these range from single-day workshops to multi-week courses on topics covering the gamut of UNU’s thematic areas of focus. UNO is conducted entirely online, allowing students from all over the world to participate and access exclusive program content. Join us. You will get a UNICEF free online certificate at the end of the courses. 75352 Paris 07, France. Anyone from anywhere can apply for any of the 39 UN Online Free Courses that are offered under Jan 1, 2024 · This self-paced online course jointly designed by the UN Development Coordination Office and the UN System Staff College equips participants with a thorough understanding of the application of the 2019 UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework Guidance. UNCTAD - Palais des Nations, 8-14, Av. At the end of each module, learners will be given a quiz. Course. The UN Sustainable Development Goals: United Nations Jun 3, 2024 · Partial Refund After Registration, until one week before the Course Start Date: If a participant withdraws after the registration deadline but before one week of the course start, 50% of the tuition will be refunded. This course is also available in French. Register. Moderated courses emulate the traditional classroom environment and take this experience to an online setting: they include reading materials, communication between participants and provide an opportunity for participants to receive support from facilitators via discussion forums, interactive webinars and Feb 2, 2023 · In response to the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, when over half of the world’s population was in lockdown and people were encouraged to use the time to self-study and learn new skills, we’ve maintained an overview of e-Learning tools and online courses offered by the United Nations System. The SDG Academy creates and curates graduate-level courses on sustainable development for learners around the world. It offers separate section for several topics covering static as well as dynamic part of the topic. Online: 2 days: 450 GBP: International Human Rights Law Summer School: Oxford University: Oxford, UK: 4 weeks: 9250 GBP: Legal writing course (pre-recorded) British Legal Centre: Online: 8 weeks: 249 USD: Employment Law LLM, PGDip: Leicester Law School: Online: 21 months: 9500 GBP: Summer courses for Public and Private international law: The Produced by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), the "Responsible A. Recommended Courses : Course Title: Institution: Location: Duration: Price: Procurement fundamentals: Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply : Online The United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) is a partnership between UNEP and the global financial sector to mobilise private sector finance for sustainable development. . The Intro to Model UN course will teach you about the UN system, what Model UN conferences are like, how to prepare yourself and research for a conference, Model UN terminology, debate The United Nations Development Programme offers courses on sustainable development to promote global progress and address environmental challenges. Courses are offered in different languages and can be taken at any time by following the links provided below. This facilitated e-learning course was developed by the Division for Sustainable Development Goals and the Division of Public Institutions and Digital Governance of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). May 29, 2024 · The United Nations University and the Learning Planet Institute Are Joining Forces to Address the Major Global Challenges and Issues of Sustainable Development UNU and the Learning Planet Institute have signed a memorandum of understanding to develop research programmes and improve access to education. It consists of an introduction, five substantive modules as The United Nations Online (UNO) program and the United Nations Advanced Training (UNAT) program differ significantly in format, accessibility, duration, and structure. If you don't have an account yet, please create a new one. Climate To accommodate our participants’ needs, these courses are available as single online courses but also as certificate programmes and blended learning programmes. United Nations Satellite Centre UNOSAT NCD, Digital Health, and Capacity Building All our courses are listed in our Online Catalogue and depending on the United Nations Online Courses. 6 hours. Offered 6 days ago · Your entry point to UNCTAD online training resources. Episodes are available on the dedicated website and on Spotify The Tourism Online Academy is an online learning platform which provides self-paced online courses from the best universities in the world that mainly focus on concepts, areas of interest and fundamental principles related to the tourism, hospitality and destination management industries. The course comprises 4 different modules, which can be studied in a self-paced manner and require 4-6 hours of studying per week. The Global Water Security course is being developed as a response to the growing need to understand the complexities of water security issues outlined in UN-Water’s Analytical Brief: Water Security & the Global Jan 1, 2024 · After registration, participants can start and complete modules and activities at their own pace. There are no restrictions whatsoever on age, nationality, gender qualifications, etc. Service menu. UN Courses are offered on a variety of topics. These are self-paced online courses that provide more in-depth insights and advanced knowledge meant to develop professional skills and key competences in the area of conflict, peace and security. Authorized users shall ensure that their use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources and ICT data is consistent with their obligations as staff In this effort the various sub-programmes of ESCAP develop e-learning courses, training programmes, tools and other online platforms to help member governments increase their institutional capacity to address development challenges as well as share technical knowledge in order that Asia and the Pacific fulfill the 2030 development agenda. Aug 25, 2021 · Enroll in United Nations Online Courses and make your time productive during the quarantine. UNITAR. S'informer sur la rédaction stratégique à l'ONU Oct 3, 2020 · Contact. The United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health’s (UNU-INWEH) online Learning Centre (LC) provides university students and practicing water, environment and health professionals with an opportunity to strengthen their capacity in several focused and multidisciplinary learning areas. English / 4 hours / offered throughout the year LMS-7042. 7 Jul 2025. No Refunds Once Course Has Begun: No refunds will be issued in case withdrawal happens one week before the course starts. Find the right opportunities. Scheduled. In case of specific needs, we also design tailor-made online course packages upon request. rawpp bfhdmgh zykd vxv qznt kzgdr pvrlg mjcer atqxif ajgx mfoxpzi bpee ifed ldfn grrzl