Shibuya sky alternative. If you go to Shibuya Sky, be sure to book in .
Shibuya sky alternative Shibuya Hikarie Sky Lobby: Directly Connected to Shibuya Station; 3. Hi guys, I managed to book tickets for Shibuya Sky for April 21st. Maintenant que nous avons vu la beauté de Shibuya Sky, il est temps de parler de pourquoi cet endroit est si incontournable lors d’une visite à Tokyo. Ticket prices Feb 20, 2025 · 澀谷觀景台「Shibuya Sky」甫一開放就紅翻天,已經成為日本人、觀光客打卡的東京新景點,更是日劇《今際之國》的取景地,除了360度室外觀景台可以看飽東京鐵塔、晴空塔等東京地標,繁華的新宿地區、浪漫的東京灣,甚至日本象徵的富士山都可以一眼望盡,而最夯的網紅景點當然是超好拍的玻璃 Shibuya Sky is one of the most popular post-COVID tourist attractions in Tokyo. Hier hast du einen 360-Grad Ausblick über die Stadt inklusive der berühmten Shibuya Crossing. Dec 22, 2024 · shibuya sky 門票預約. SHIBUYA SKY: 360 Degree Views on Top of Shibuya Scramble Square; 2. Dec 18, 2024 · These are part of Shibuya’s redevelopment and have neat design and architecture. colby 1630 followers. Standing at around 230m high, you can see the entirety of the city of Tokyo all the way to Mt. With areas to lie down and stretch your legs (try the hammocks), it doesn’t feel overly busy. The Sky Gate entryway is located on the 14th floor within this complex and crowded multi-level mall filled with hundreds of other shopping, dining, and entertainment options. This includes tips I found and what I discovered Book on the actual site. Located right in the middle of Shibuya, Tokyo’s youth culture hub, the deck sits atop Shibuya’s Oct 6, 2024 · Shibuya is a great place to stay if you are looking for a full Tokyo experience. Shibuya Sky is 229 meters high and tallest building in Shibuya District. FYI Reply reply More posts you may like r/JapanTravelTips Since Shibuya Sky is within Shibuya Crossing, are there other activities that you wanted to do? In my experience with Shibuya Sky you need at least to arrive 10-15 min early for your appointed time, there is a small line for the elevator leading up to the roof where an attendant verifies your ticket. A visit to Shibuya Sky is a journey through a realm of sensory delights and visual wonders. Shibuya Sky: nice city views, not too high, good views of Mt. One of Shibuya’s top things to do, we recommend booking a Shibuya Sky ticket in advance, as it often sells out days before. shibuya sky 門票部分最新價格是成人2,500日圓,推薦大家可以先到kkday等旅遊平台購買,會比現場便宜,也不用擔心現場售罄,尤其想選黃昏傍晚等熱門時段的話就更必須提早訂票,抵達後掃手機憑證就能入場相當方便。 推薦:kkday shibuya sky 電子票 Jan 29, 2025 · SHIBUYA SKY 是在2019年開幕的東京景點,所在的「澀谷Scramble Square」商場與澀谷車站共構,位於45樓的景觀台一經啟用美照就紅遍社群平台,後來沒多久就遇到疫情,所以算起來也還是相當新的景點,除了高空美景之外,商場本身吃喝購物齊備,更別提澀谷還有很多逛街的地點,足夠安排整天的行程。 In den Bezirken Shibuya und Harajuku gibt es unzählige Einkaufsmöglichkeiten und insbesondere Geschäfte für die japanische "Kawaii"-Kultur. Al het glas was besmeurd omdat het geregend had dus we konden helemaal niets zien. SHIBU NIWA: Rooftop Garden at Tokyu Plaza Shibuya; 4. 通过Klook客路预订东京东京涩谷天空(SHIBUYA SKY)观景台门票,高度为229米,从顶楼展望观景台望去一览无遗的东京美景!在此高度,无论是涉谷的十字街头,或是周边建筑都美不胜收,令人叹为观止。 Nov 26, 2024 · Shibuya sky observation deck. Mario Kart - 0/5 - cringe and dangerous, and definitely live that “obnoxiously bothersome foreigner” fame. Sep 22, 2023 · You may have seen Shibuya Sky all over Instagram. Yo fui en invierno, cuando el sol se pone alrededor de las 4:45 pm, y la entrada de las 3:20 pm fue ideal. Feb 20, 2025 · Shibuya Sky requires advanced ticket purchases but makes for an unforgettable photo opportunity. Shibuya Sky is located in Shibuya, right next to the Shibuya Station. It is located on the 47th floor of the Shibuya Scramble Square building at about 230m above ground. But to make things simpler, getting to Shibuya Sky involves four steps: 展望!涉谷。世界。我。未來。涉谷上空229米的展望裝置SHIBUYA SKY。將展望設施作為空間裝置,以從入口到出口一貫的體驗故事演出。不僅可以眺望從澀谷上空眺望360度的景色,還通過一系列的體驗刺激知識好奇心,培養想象力的展望裝置。 Apr 25, 2024 · Planning on going to teamLab Planets on May 9th, but Shibuya Sky is only available at 2 PM Japan Trips; Learn Japanese Shibuya Sky Alternatives? April 25, 2024; Jun 24, 2024 · Shibuya Observation Decks 2. Shibuya Sky's fusion of art and technology. Shibuya Sky is an observation deck located on the 46th floor and rooftop of Shibuya Scramble Square, a high-rise building directly connected to Shibuya Station. Parecia cair um pouco. shibuya skyへの電車や車でのアクセス方法をご確認いただけます。 展望设施“SHIBUYA SKY(SHIBUYA SKY)”的入场券购买页面 Oct 31, 2024 · 從2019年開幕至今人氣居高不下,總高229公尺,共46層樓再加上屋頂的戶外展望台,澀谷 Sky(Shibuya Sky)矗立在繁華的東京澀谷區中心,交通極為方便。而展望台的玻璃角落更是超夯的排隊拍照景點,透過360度的透明玻璃可以看見周圍全景,包括同在東京的知名景點晴空塔和東京鐵塔,遠處的富士山也 5 days ago · LOFT SHIBUYA 渋谷区宇田川町 21-1 21-1 UDAGAWACHO, SHIBUYA OPEN 10AM-9PM And if you are looking for vegan options in Shibuya, I recommend going up to the second floor , 2F, for 2Foods Shibuya. S H I B U Y A S K Y 📍Tokyo, JapanSparks - Coldplay. Shibuya Sky – 360 Grad Aussicht über Tokio. Highlights of Shibuya Sky. Para tomar las mejores fotos, te aconsejo elegir un horario de 1 a 2 horas antes del atardecer. Magnet by Shibuya 109 Shibuya Sky. °6 de 355 atracciones en Shibuya. An interesting take on the classic “illumination” theme from the people at Shibuya Sky this year. Admission tickets (Klook Special Promotion @ JPY 1,800/adult) for specific time slots can easily be purchased online in advance; the ones around sunset hours are usually sold-out first. Don't miss this panoramic view – secure your spot now! Oct 3, 2024 · 【涩谷 sky】百万夜景. Shibuya Sky is one of the newest observation decks in the city. The mall is most famous for Shibuya Sky, an observation deck standing at a height of 229 meters, but is actually home to more than 200 shops and restaurants. Het glas leek vuil en elk paneel werd erop getekend. Known for its outdoor escalators, sky-high bar, and open-air observation deck, Shibuya Sky definitely leaves an impression. Wir erhielten ausgezeichneten Service vom Personal direkt vom Eingang. Dec 1, 2024 · Hi! I’m booking for December 22 for my upcoming family trip which includes 2 children ages 6yo and 3yo. I checked 23 is sold out too but there are some slots available on 22nd/24th. daily, though weather conditions may impact availability. Cultural Significance: The tradition of hanami dates back over a thousand years, with the first recorded event taking place during the Nara period (710-794 AD). 1. 5K Likes, 777 Comments. From Shibuya Sky, visitors are able to see famous landmarks like Tokyo Tower, Tokyo Skytree, and even Mount Fuji on a clear day. Le quartier est en effet en pleine restructuration depuis plusieurs années, et pour encore quelques temps puisque la fin des travaux n’est Nov 28, 2024 · shibuya sky 展望台門票 「shibuya sky」展望台門票分有「官網購票」、「klook客路購票」、「現場購票」三種,門票可以預約1個月內,而且預售票比現場便宜,如果已經排定好日期和時間的人建議可以提前上網購買門票。 klook shibuya sky 購票: shibuya sky展望台門票 Jun 27, 2024 · Shibuya Sky is situated next to Shibuya Station, offering a vantage point above the bustling Shibuya Crossing and Shibuya Center-Gai street. Sky Gate: The journey begins with the Sky Gate, an indoor corridor that transports you to the observation deck via high-speed elevators. Located on the 47th floor of the Shibuya Scramble Square building, the top deck is at about 230m or 751 feet high. But Shibuya Sky is easier to get to, and has a pleasant green space and places to sit down and enjoy the views. Prenez un ascenseur pour vous rendre à la Sky Gate au 14 étage. À quelques pas de là, vous trouverez le célèbre carrefour de Shibuya, où vous pourrez prendre le pouls de Tokyo alors que des centaines 澀谷景點3. m. Standing 229 meter above sea-level, it offers an exciting new panorama on the surroundings and Apr 15, 2024 · 東京澀谷(Shibuya)是日本最繁華的區域之一,以其快節奏的生活方式、時尚和娛樂聞名於世。在澀谷,你可以找到許多引人入勝的景點,而其中一個必去的地方是Shibuya Sky。這個360度的觀景台讓你俯瞰整個澀谷,提供了難忘的城市風景。本文將為您提供東京澀谷sky的攻略,包括門票優惠、交通方式 Vous voulez admirer Tôkyô d’en haut, mais vous hésitez entre Shibuya Sky, la Tôkyô Tower et la Sky Tree ? 🤔 Chaque observatoire a ses avantages… mais lequel Jun 20, 2024 · Shibuya Sky 澀谷一日遊行程規絶對不能沒有Shibuya Sky這個集觀光、澀谷購物以及澀谷美食餐廳的東京旅遊景點。Shibuya Sky觀景台是澀谷最新地標,高達750尺。澀谷sky 一張門票進場後不限時間,便可以去齊幾個Shibuya Sky景點, Shibuya Sky ist eine Aussichtsplattform in der obersten Etage des Shibuya Scramble Square und bietet einen Panoramablick auf Tokio. It is a 360° open-air observation deck located on the roof of the Shibuya Scramble Square skyscraper. Sep 23, 2024 · Stunning views from Shibuya Sky. One of which is the different photo and video spots it offers. Mar 23, 2023 · Here’s the scene at the iconic Shibuya subway station, where Hachiko the dog statue sits. Jan 15, 2021 · 1. Visit This Popular Spot for Panoramic Views of Tokyo from Shibuya. 「空を見上げて、感性をひらく。SHIBUYA SKYの5周年」と題し、常設コンテンツに加え、EXHIBITION / THEATER / MUSIC / MOONGAZINGという4つの軸をテーマにした、カルチャーコンテンツプログラムを展開します。 Sep 3, 2024 · Shibuya Sky, however, is more than just an observatory: it spans three floors and has an indoor section which incorporates dazzling digital art displays to encourage you to see the city in a Our first time in Japan and first full day in Tokyo, we wanted to witness the entire city at once, and Shibuya Sky was a perfect way to do it. Once we got to the 45 level, the escalator ride enabled me to see down below. At night, Shibuya transforms into a sea of lights, providing visitors with memorable experiences. 2 plateformes. La plateforme en plein air qui culmine à 229 mètres d'altitude propose un nouveau point de vue exaltant sur Shibuya Scramble Square und Shibuya Sky-Aussichtsplattform Tokyo selbst ist selbstverständlich längst kein Geheimtipp mehr und doch gehört es auf jede Bucketlist. It's a cool viewing platform with different places to sit. At 229 meters (754 feet) high, you can spot many famous sights from the rooftop like the Shinjuku skyline, Tokyo Bay, Yoyogi Park, Tokyo Skytree, and even Mt. Dec 27, 2024 · 關於 SHIBUYA SKY. Tout d’abord, la vue panoramique depuis Shibuya Sky est tout simplement époustouflante. I like the Sky Tree even though others don't. Vídeo de TikTok de Japonismo 🇯🇵 Todo Japón (@japonismo): «Descubre un plan alternativo y gratuito para disfrutar de Shibuya Sky sin gastar mucho. SHIBUYA SCRAMBLE SQUARE (finished in 2019) with its fascinating “SHIBUYA SKY” observatory area offers a 360-degree panorama view of a city that never sleeps. , nuestras opciones eran comprar boletos desde KKDay o Klook. Review might […] Overall, Shibuya Sky is a fantastic place to visit for anyone who wants to see Tokyo from a different perspective. Mar 30, 2024 · Are there any comparable alternatives to Shibuya Sky for after 5pm sunset / night time view and experience? Feb 7, 2020 · Got to Shibuya Station and queued in a long line waiting under strong sun to take the lift to the Shibuya Sky excitedly. Shibuya Sky is a 750-foot observation deck that provides panoramic views around the city . The view from Shibuya Sky is not only beautiful. Book 29 days in advance (currently). Die Aufzugfahrt nach oben war spannend, und die Höhenaussichten waren atemberaubend. 2 days ago · 去東京自由行怎能錯過現在最紅的 Shibuya Sky 展望台! 是我這次出發東京前就列入願望清單的首要項目哈哈,能在澀谷最高的頂樓展望台 360 度零死角俯瞰絕美的東京市景、搭乘人氣賞景手扶梯,真的好期待! Jul 22, 2024 · If the lockers at Shibuya Sky are full or if you have larger luggage, you can consider alternative storage options nearby: – Shibuya Station Lockers: As mentioned earlier, Shibuya Station has a variety of coin-operated lockers in different sizes, located at various exits and areas within the station. Website says children’s tickets have to be bought at the ticket office in Shibuya Sky and not online (unlike Adult tickets). Shibuya Sky lets you look out from the roof of the Shibuya Scramble Square skyscraper. They do not accept reservations as they are a walk-in cafe Feb 23, 2024 · Désormais, elle doit se partager le podium avec l’observatoire Shibuya Sky. Shibuya Sky is a popular attraction that offers a breathtaking view of Tokyo from its 360° open-air observation deck. Purchase tickets conveniently here. It offers a unique experience that visitors will remember for a long time. Aug 23, 2023 · 1766 me gusta,38 comentarios. Solo los residentes japoneses pueden comprar boletos desde la página oficial y así desde los EE. Nov 1, 2024 · Shibuya Sky is located at the top of the Shibuya Scramble Square Building, and you need to get to the 14th floor to enter the observatory. I thought this would allow enough time to enjoy the sunset there but I am wondering if there’s usually delays in letting you up? Forget the Skytree, definitely the wrong place to shoot night photos. Shibuya Sky Ticket for my date is sold out? Any alternative that offers the best view of Tokyo at sunset/night? I have narrowed down the following options: 1 . r/TwoStepsFromHell. You can purchase your Shibuya Sky tickets online in advance, which is highly recommended during the cherry blossom season, as this is a peak time for visitors. Any alternatives you can recommend for an excellent sunset view? Thank you! Jul 5, 2023 · Shibuya Sky is also 250 meters high at the top, but Tokyo Skytree is 340-350 meters high for the main observation decks, and you can also upgrade and go another 100 meters up to what’s known as the Tenbo floor, which is 450 meters high. Sorakara-chan is a friendly and welcoming mascot that adds a touch of whimsy to your visit. Shibuya Sky est l’observatoire de la tour Scramble Square, situé à la sortie de la gare de Shibuya à Tokyo. Whether you prefer to visit during the day or at night, there’s something magical about seeing Tokyo from above! 展望施設「shibuya sky(渋谷スカイ)」の入場チケット購入ページ The Government Metropolitan Building is free and offers a similar view to the inside view from shibuya sky. Ce dernier est perché au sommet du building Shibuya Scramble Square, le plus haut gratte-ciel de Shibuya, inauguré en 2019. Feb 10, 2025 · SHIBUYA SKY2025:澀谷sky門票預約、日落夜景時間、遲到處理交通懶人包看這篇!東京澀谷超人氣地標『澀谷Sky(SHIBUYA SKY)』,天氣晴朗時站在46樓露天展望台能夠360度無死角俯瞰東京美景,並將東京鐵塔及富士山等美景盡收眼底。這篇幫大家把SHIBUYA SKY門票怎麼買?怎麼預約、遲到處理及日落夜景時間等 Dec 1, 2024 · Shibuya Sky: Right in the Heart of Downtown Tokyo. 展望せよ。渋谷。世界。自分。未来。渋谷上空229mの展望装置SHIBUYA SKY 。展望施設を空間装置ととらえ、入口から出口までを一貫した体験ストーリーで演出。渋谷上空から広がる360度の景色を眺めるにとどまらず、一連の体験を通じて知的好奇心を刺激し、想像力を育む展望装置です。 Jul 11, 2024 · Tickets for Shibuya Sky can be easily purchased online at a discount, or at the on-site counter, with operating hours from 10:00 a. Unlike utilitarian towers built for broadcasts, Shibuya Sky was designed purely for tourism and Instagrammable views. The demographics for the fashion offered is men and women of all ages. Definitely the top reco. Shibuya Sky is the most popular observation deck in Tokyo for many reasons. 7. That said, both Sky Tree and Tokyo Tower are great. Dec 27, 2024 · Shibuya Scramble Square is a sightseeing and shopping facility connected to Shibuya Station that opened in 2019. SHIBUYA SKY 是位於澀谷大型複合商業設施「渋谷スクランブルスクエア(Shibuya Scramble Square)」頂樓的觀景設施,自 2019年11月1日啟用以來,已經成為澀谷的著名地標性景點,其設計理念為「通過一連串的體驗激發好奇心,培養想像力的展望裝置」,以開闊的視野與充滿未來感的設計 渋谷最高峰のルーフトップバー。東京を360°一望できる絶景を、ドリンク、スナックとともに楽しむ特別な体験。 Jan 14, 2024 · Die Sky Carrot Observation Lobby im 26. Last updated: 2024-07-29. You won't allowed to take any tripod, but you'll have plenty of iron barriers to hold your camera on. A primeira vez foi em novembro de 2023 e foi incrível e é por isso que estamos visitando novamente, mas desta vez com o meu marido. Today I was able to procure tickets to Shibuya Sky for the exact time slot I wanted. L'entrée de l'observatoire se trouve au rez-de-chaussée et il faut emprunter un ascenseur qui lui est dédié. The Skytree has a nice shopping mall (Solarmachi) downstairs. UU. Apr 8, 2024 · Views from Shibuya Sky in Tokyo (photo: Picturesque Japan / Shutterstock) There are still plenty of worthwhile activities around the Shibuya neighborhood in lieu of the Scramble, like Shibuya Sky. Jan 11, 2025 · Shibuya Sky is an observation deck spanning the 46th and 47th floors of Shibuya Scramble Square, which is attached to the Shibuya train station via the B6 subway exit. Si vous y aller de nuit, profitez des hamacs pour admirer le ciel étoilé! Nos conseils pour accéder à Shibuya Sky. They’ll have a glowing tree of light that extends to the heavens, along with bubbles, Christmas trees and mirrors. SHIBUYA SKY. Het was niet erg duur en dus als je tickets geweldig kunt krijgen; als je geen tickets kunt krijgen, ga dan gratis naar de Tokyo Metropolitan Government Tower. Whether you’re captivated by the vast urban expanse during the day or mesmerized by the neon-lit skyline at night, keep Shibuya Sky Alternative Explore popular posts about Shibuya Sky Alternative, liked by 8579 people on Lemon8. Shibuya Station has many train lines, making it easy to travel anywhere. With the sensation of the breeze against your skin and the unobstructed view stretching out before you, it's an intimate and sensory connection with the heart of Tokyo. Ob Japan Urlaub mit der Familie, Japan Rundreise oder ein Städtetrip, die meisten Touristen kommen auf ihrer Japanreise nicht an Tokyo vorbei. and there are much more. After checked in at 14 floor, we took another lift to 47th-48th floor. Pourquoi Shibuya Sky est un point de vue incontournable à Tokyo. The newest observation deck on this list is Shibuya Sky, opened in 2019. I scoured for information on how to do this but didn't find a comprehensive post so I thought I'd share. Shibuya Parco and Tokyu Plaza Shibuya both have free rooftops. Besonders bei jungen Paaren ist diese Aussichtsplattform wegen seines stimmungsvollen Ambientes beliebt. New and modern skyscraper, opened in 2019 “Shibuya Sky” includes two top floors, observation decks and open-air deck. Shibuya Sky is more than just an Feb 19, 2025 · Une fois que vous aurez profité de la vue sur Shibuya Sky, pourquoi ne pas poursuivre votre aventure dans le quartier animé de Shibuya ? Il y a beaucoup de choses à faire à Shibuya pour vous divertir. Shibuya Sky Location: Shibuya 2 Cho-me 24-12, Shibuya Ward, Tokyo Hours: 10:00 to 22:30, latest admission at 21:20. Besonders angesagt sind das Zentrum von Shibuya und die umliegenden Bereiche, die Einkaufsstraße Takeshita-dōri und Omotesandō-Allee. In addition to Shibuya Sky, there are many new buildings around the station that offer endless shopping and dining opportunities, such as Hikarie and Shibuya Stream. Perched atop Shibuya Scramble Square, Shibuya Sky is a rooftop observation deck offering unparalleled 360-degree views of Tokyo. Experience Tokyo and behold Mount Fuji from the 45th and 46th floors of Shibuya Sky. Another good one is Tokyo City View in Roppongi Hills. Although it is not the tallest observatory, it is undoubtedly the most popular one in Tokyo at the moment. Stock des „Carrot Tower“ ist eher noch ein Geheimtipp. Among the 3 observation decks, Shibuya Sky is the only one with an outdoor deck. Jan 12, 2025 · Kagurazaka Saryo 📍Address: Located inside Shibuya Scramble Square (same building as Shibuya Sky) ⏰ Opening hours: 10am-11pm tdy I’ll be ungatekeeping this #hiddengem with the BEST FOOD I’ve tasted in Tokyo hands down, and 💯💯💯 view of shibuya crossing (even btr than Shibuya sky😨) 🌟So Nov 17, 2024 · 澀谷天空展望台(SHIBUYA SKY)令人讚嘆的景觀瞬間就改寫人們對於東京都市天際線的想像。 澀谷SHIBUYA SKY在東京7大展望台之中並非最高(僅有229公尺),卻以最巧妙的格局規劃勝出,成為東京觀景台裡面景色最厲害的一個。在澀谷最熱鬧中心打造出日本最大觀景空間,澀谷SHIBUYA Esta é a segunda vez que visitamos Shibuya Sky. Vous pourrez admirer les gratte Hi there. mori tower observation deck + art museum is probably my favorite spot in tokyo, period. While Shibuya Sky during the day is great in its own sense, sunset time (sunset hour) at dusk and the night time view are most popular! Sep 21, 2023 · Tokyo Sky Tree mascot Sorakara-chan Tokyo Skytree has "Sorakara-chan," a celestial-themed character with blue and white colors, reflecting the tower's name, which means "Skytree" in Japanese. Shibuya Sky is divided into three distinct zones: the Sky Gate, Sky Gallery, and Sky Stage. The outdoor observation was smaller than imagined with security guards in every corners, that made us feel uncomfortably. On a clear day, you can see Shinjuku's skyscrapers, Mount Fuji, and even Tokyo Sky Tree. Tickets are strongly recommended to be purchased in advance. Jan 2, 2024 · For example, while my favorite place to see the Tokyo skyline is i-Link Observation Deck in Ichikawa, Chiba, many travelers prefer more mainstream choices, such as Tokyo City View at Mori Art Museum in Roppongi, or even the newly-opened Shibuya Sky. From here, you can take in iconic landmarks like Tokyo Tower and Tokyo Skytree, and even glimpse Mount Fuji on clear days. shibuya sky(渋谷スカイ、しぶやスカイ)は、東京都 渋谷区 渋谷2丁目にある展望台。 渋谷駅に直結した超高層ビル「渋谷スクランブルスクエア」東棟の45階、46階、屋上に位置する(出入口は14階)。 Feb 18, 2025 · Shibuya Sky Deck’s Height: Standing at 230 meters, the Shibuya Sky Deck offers one of the highest observation points in Tokyo, providing breathtaking views of the city and beyond. Taller than Shibuya Sky but no rooftop. De eerste keer was november 2023 en het was geweldig en dat is waarom we weer op bezoek gaan, maar deze keer met mijn man. Ein Café und ein Souvenirladen laden zum Verweilen ein. (Ticket counter open from 10:00 AM to 9:20 PM) Admission (online ticket price): Adults - 2200 yen, Middle/High school - 1700 yen Shibuya Sky is one of the most popular post-COVID tourist attractions in Tokyo. Fuji. Als je voor het eerst naar Tokyo gaat, moet je bijna Shibuya Sky doen om te zeggen dat je er was. Observation Deck. From this deck, visitors can admire the panoramic views of Tokyo Skytree and Tokyo Tower, among other landmarks. Nov 1, 2024 · Shibuya Sky is a fairly new open-air observatory in Shibuya. We have a reservation to go to Shibuya Sky on Sunday at 1PM for a day view but are the wait times better? Light Up the Sky With Bubbles and Mirrors. Il y a 2 plateformes d’observation dans Shibuya Sky: Have done both, Mori tower throws the museum in with the view if you go for it, and feels a bit more open compared to Shibuya Sky. I was at Sky on 3/9 Snapped a few pics including this one before I got out of Dodge. Dec 25, 2024 · 東京澀谷網美景點SHIBUYA SKY、超厲害風景、門票預約方式,澀谷車站旁澀谷Scramble Square百貨公司46樓有一個人氣的景觀台「SHIBUYA SKY」,頂樓的SKY STAGE景色超讚,東京市區的地標或建築物都一覽無遺,完全不輸晴空塔,善用角落的取景地,女生可以輕鬆拍出美美的網美打卡照片,因遊客相當多 4 days ago · Try Shibuya Sky for a different kind of observatory experience. shibuya sky 的景色真的非常棒!我去的時間點剛好白天、日落及夜晚都有看到,私心認為日落到傍晚這段時間的景色最迷人,不自覺會聯想到「你的名字」中的「逢魔時刻」。在晝夜交錯之際,會忘乎時間、屏息凝視著被黃昏渲染的城市。 Jan 11, 2025 · 當前最夯的東谷涉谷新地標,澀谷SHIBUYA SKY展望台夜景日景都超強!SHIBUYA SKY門票優惠怎麼買?目前Klook已經開賣啦,比現場還便宜300日圓。交通也很簡單,JR澀谷站搭電梯就直接到了呢。 Shibuya Sky Couch Seats Deck Closure upvotes r/TwoStepsFromHell. to 10:30 p. Go for sushi — or something else. Go before sunset, watch the sunset, then watch tokyo light up as night falls. Jun 23, 2023 · 澀谷sky (shibuya sky) | 結論. Feb 29, 2024 · Take in stunning views of Tokyo’s cityscape from Shibuya Sky, an observation deck atop the Shibuya Scramble Square complex. It has stunning night views! But the wait going from the base, to 350m, to 450m, then had to go back to 350m, then back to the base was total about an hour+ standing in line. Con 47 pisos, en Shibuya Scramble Square encontrarás también más de 210 tiendas y restaurantes que puedes visitar antes o después de disfrutar del mirador, ¡te será difícil salir de aquí! I've been to many decks in Tokyo over the years, but the recently opened Shibuya Sky, on top of Shibuya Scramble, offers an excellent balance. Shibuya Sky on a nice day can be an awesome place to relax for an hour or two. Jan 20, 2025 · 「渋谷スカイってどんな感じ?ちょっと高めだけど楽しいのかな?」 先日、渋谷スカイ(shibuya sky)に行ってきました。 実際に体験した感想を交えつつ、渋谷スカイの全貌をお伝えしたいと思います。 Dit is de tweede keer dat we Shibuya Sky bezoeken. TikTok video from Celeste (@cevillaaa): “Best rooftop view of Tokyo 🏙️ #shibuyasky #shibuya #tokyo #japan #rooftop #sunset #fyp #travel #thingstodoinjapan #visitjapan #IntuitTouchdownDance”. CROSSING VIEW: A Bird’s Eye View of the Scramble From The Rooftop of MAGNET by SHIBUYA109; 5. Shibuya Sky is an outdoor observation deck on the top of Scramble Square Tower, at the exit of Shibuya Station in Tokyo. Shibuya Sky ist ein weiterer beliebter Aussichtspunkt auf die Shibuya Kreuzung. Todo o vidro estava manchado porque estava chovendo, então não conseguimos ver nada. They are available to be purchased one month before the visit date. Nov 22, 2022 · 118. Bummed about missing sunset tickets for Shibuya sky the roof. Sep 3, 2024 · With the “SKY STAGE” skyscraper rooftop observation deck and the “SKY GALLERY” indoor observation corridor on the 46th floor, Shibuya Sky offers open and vast views from Shibuya skyline. Any recommendations for alternatives? Also seems like Mori tower isn't bad, but kind of dicey considering they said parts of it may be closed on the date. Het leek een beetje vervallen. Best paid: Mori Tower and Shibuya Scramble Sky have potentially best night views of the city and Mori Tower has probably the most convenient location for panorama. Feb 9, 2025 · 以前大家來東京澀谷是找小八拍照,現在100%都是為了東京景點 shibuya sky 澀谷天空而來啦~超過200公尺的澀谷天空,感受站在47層高樓眺望東京景色,還看得到美美的富士山唷~有別於其他觀景台,澀谷景點 shibuya sky讓你上來不只是看景色,這高空上的平台還設計了 Visit Shibuya, the ever-changing district, and take a tour of the newest marvels of urban architecture. Shibuya PARCO ROOFTOP PARK: Enjoy the Calm Night View Apr 17, 2024 · Shibuya Sky provides a one-of-a-kind open-air experience, inviting you to immerse yourself in the natural elements as you soak in the mesmerizing cityscape. We picked the 17:40 slot (sunset for that day is forecasted at 18:21). Roppongi Hills Mori Tower (any Há inúmeras oportunidades para compras nos distritos de Shibuya e Harajuku, especialmente nas lojas voltadas para a cultura “Kawaii” do Japão. It provides visitors with an unforgettable experience, showcasing Tokyo's vibrant energy and stunning skyline from a breathtaking vantage point. If you go to Shibuya Sky, be sure to book in Shibuya Sky - no idea, hadn’t been , but the latest hottest off the press observation deck is at Azabudai Hills, and that is free. Shibuya is one of the major stations in Tokyo, and it could get confusing trying to find your way. Shibuya Sky is one of the most popular post-COVID tourist attractions in Tokyo. De plus, vous pouvez voir les symboles de Tokyo comme la Tour de Tokyo et la tour Tokyo SkyTree. Shibuya Sky is open daily, but hours may vary, so be sure to check the Shibuya Sky opening hours before planning your trip. La tour, achevée en 2019 et dotée d’un immense écran sur sa façade, est connectée aux étages inférieurs de la gare de Shibuya. Shibuya has become a destination for delicious, and (important to us) reasonably priced sushi. Outdoor, 360 panoramic view, very few highrises nearby, and currently very, very empty. 近年可能很多人都見到澀谷有一個著名的打卡位–就是一個露天露台那裡拍照,它就位於Shibuya Scramble Square 裡面的Shibuya sky。大家留意它不可以一層一層上去,你要由一樓乘搭它的專屬升降機再上去,才去到Shibuya sky。 Nov 24, 2024 · La vue depuis Shibuya Sky est à 360 degrés. Magnet: best crossing views, seemed to be a bit unknown and empty. Le building Shibuya Sky se trouve en plein cœur du célèbre quartier Shibuya et surplombe le encore plus célèbre passage piéton du même nom. For unparalleled panoramic (360 degree) views of Tokyo, Shibuya Sky is a stunning outdoor observation deck (be aware it closes in bad weather). Shibuya Sky is worth it for those who are seeking incredible views of Tokyo’s cityscape and skyline. I've been to all observatories in Tokyo and Shibuya Sky is my favorite at the moment. O vidro parecia sujo e cada painel foi desenhado. This review offers info, tips & tricks, and recommendations for getting the most out of your experience at Shibuya Sky. Jan 23, 2023 · A new, open-air observation deck is just one of the lesser-known alternatives that will allow you to get a bird’s-view of the Shibuya Scramble. 展望せよ。渋谷。世界。自分。未来。渋谷上空229mの展望装置SHIBUYA SKY 。展望施設を空間装置ととらえ、入口から出口までを一貫した体験ストーリーで演出。渋谷上空から広がる360度の景色を眺めるにとどまらず、一連の体験を通じて知的好奇心を刺激し、想像力を育む展望装置です。 Admission ticket purchase page for SHIBUYA SKY (SHIBUYA SKY) Jan 20, 2025 · Shibuya Sky is the highest open-air rooftop observation deck in Japan. Al ser de los Estados Unidos, por favor sepa que conseguir boletos para Shibuya Sky es su propia aventura. Posted by. Nov 5, 2024 · shibuya sky攻略~門票、最佳觀賞時間、推薦打卡位、交通方式一次看!位於澀谷的第一高樓「shibuya scramble square」,最大的亮點絕對是位於頂層觀景台「shibuya sky」,可360度將東京美景盡收眼底,是人氣爆燈的日本東京旅遊熱點之一! shibuya skyを365日いつでも利用できる「shibuya sky passport(渋谷スカイパスポート)」。季節や時間によって変わる渋谷上空の表情を自由に楽しめる嬉しいパスポートです。 Aug 31, 2024 · Is Sunshine city 60 observation tower a good alternative to Sky tree, or Shibuya sky, or Tokyo Tower? Dec 18, 2024 · 東京最熱門的高空觀景臺SHIBUYA SKY,喜歡看view、夜景的人一定要來朝聖!天氣好的時候,晴空塔、東京鐵塔一覽無遺,甚至還看得到富士山唷。SHIBUYA SKY同時也是熱門電視劇「今際之國」決戰場景,頂樓360度無邊際拍照區更是IG熱門打卡點。來到SHIBUYA SKY,最好日景、夜景都不要放過!不過最搶手的傍 May 15, 2024 · L’observatoire Shibuya Sky est situé au 47e étage de la tour Scramble Square, le plus grand gratte-ciel du quartier de Shibuya. Feb 13, 2022 · Free access to the observatory in the shopping center “Shibuya Hikarie”, which is located near Shibuya Station. Feb 28, 2025 · Before you head out to Shibuya Sky, here are some practical tips to make your visit smooth and enjoyable. Fuji on a clear day. . They are much better than MGB, I must say. shibuya sky tower. Here are a some of the non-Starbucks places you can go. Its location in central Shibuya is very convenient. Die Rooftop Observation Zone liegt stolze 229 Meter über der Kreuzung und ist perfekt für Fotos geeignet. SHIBUYA SKY, located at the top of the Shibuya Scramble Square building, offers breathtaking 360° views of Tokyo. However, its merits are also its demerits. Mori Tower: best night views of tokyo tower (before you go, check online if the open air sky deck is opened that day though) Skytree: too high, details are getting lost shibuya skyコンセプトムービー、施設に込めた想いをご覧いただけます。 Dec 1, 2024 · Gå til hovedinnhold This is where you need to go 👇 📍 Floor 17, Shibuya Scramble Square Building, next to 5 Crossties Coffee shop You can still check out Shibuya Sky—it’s fun! But this secret spot is completely free and a great alternative, especially if you can’t get tickets for the official viewpoint. Now that you’re excited about visiting Shibuya Sky, let’s talk tickets! The process is simple and convenient. Aug 29, 2024 · El mirador Shibuya Sky es el elemento más famoso de Shibuya Scramble Square, pero este nuevo rascacielos de Shibuya tiene mucho más que ofrecer. After going up the elevator, you will be asked to store all your belongings except your phone and camera (camera Planning on going to teamLab Planets on May 9th, but Shibuya Sky is only available at 2 PM on that day (would rather a sunset/night view since that's the magic of most Metropolitan areas). The futuristic lighting and design here make for an exciting start to your ¿Cuál es el mejor momento para ir a Shibuya Sky? La entrada a Shibuya Sky se hace por horario, pero una vez adentro, no hay límite de tiempo. Feb 18, 2024 · いいねの数:41ajisptrngga (@ajisptrngga)のTikTok (ティックトック) 動画:「Alternative gratisan,buat shibuya sky yang berbayar👌 Pamandangan tokyo 360° 📍Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, shinjuku tokyo🏙️ #kenshuuseijapan🇮🇩🇯🇵 #tokyo #withgalaxy」。 Dec 7, 2024 · The visit to Shibuya Sky was amazing! We first took the lift to 14th floor and the as the lift brought us up to level 45, the visuals in the ceiling of the lift added to the experience. As áreas mais badaladas estão próximas do centro de Shibuya, da rua Takeshita-dori de Harajuku e em Omotesando. 入夜后飘儿又再次上47楼,这里搭配了46楼与47楼拍到的景色给大家欣赏一下东京夜景。 最令人兴奋的当然是点灯的东京铁塔啦,因为晴空塔没点灯所以看不出来…而且其实shibuya sky离东京铁塔所在的港区有一段距离,拍起来反而没有六本木之丘森大楼展望台那么美。 Reserva Shibuya Sky, Shibuya en Tripadvisor: Consulta 207 opiniones, artículos, y 483 fotos de Shibuya Sky, clasificada en Tripadvisor en el N. Vous y Shibuya Sky (شيبويا, اليابان): طالع تعليقات وصور المسافرين عن Shibuya Sky في شيبويا، اليابان. Oct 27, 2024 · 2024東京旅遊計畫中不容錯過的SHIBUYA SKY展望台攻略必看! 在這篇文章中將詳細介紹SHIBUYA SKY展望台的門票資訊,包括預約方式、票價優惠,以及最佳參觀時段與重點看點。 其實,不僅能俯瞰壯麗的東京夜景,還能在空中漫步區域拍下驚艷的照片! 讀完這篇文章,您將掌握完整的SHIBUYA SKY門票訂購 Oct 11, 2024 · Hi! We went to Tokyo Sky Tree today at 6PM. The Skytree view I think best gives you that "google earth" view vibes feeling. Jan 31, 2025 · Ticketing Made Easy: Shibuya Sky Tickets and Reservations. As aforementioned, it's inside only. Never been to Shibuya scramble yet (it was still closed last August) but I can yen you that Roppongi Sky Deck is your place. Two Steps from Hell is a production music company based in Los Angeles Jan 27, 2025 · What to expectShibuya Sky, located at the top of the Shibuya Scramble Square building, offers breathtaking 360° views of Tokyo. To enjoy Shibuya Sky, you need a ticket which states Sep 23, 2024 · Source: SHIBUYA SKYで出来ること. Shibuya Modi’s overgrown entrance and the local Disney Store are also unique sights. I think it's an interesting experience, even if not the best view, being so high up you don't get a great "city view" but I think it puts the area into a different perspective. Shibuya Sky. Photographer Joey Wong and I went up to Shibuya Sky, the360° open-air observation deck located about 230 meters above the ground. Night slot tickets (18:00-20:30) are hard to get. Skytree on a no cloud cover day at dusk can be a lot of fun, but if it's going to rain - you may see not much at all. 2Foods Shibuya have a fabulous plant-based menu and are open 11AM-9PM ( last order 8pm). Seine Lage in Sangenjaya – in unmittelbarer Nähe von Shibuya – macht sie aber zu einer echten Alternative zu Shibuya Sky. Hamac. qpyt btyb uki johgn bef ojarzxriu fqwsjh xnefvte gsf dcxbnbhh hads fjhzy mxn jfeyyks wdvtw