70cm fm simplex frequencies. 520 – National FM Calling Frequency.

70cm fm simplex frequencies This way, in an emergency your friends could monitor these 10 Simplex Frequencies; Talk Group 99, Time Slot 1, Color Code 1 are widely used. 555 Tri-Cities (DP, SC, SJC) RACES Amateur FM Simplex. 800 MHz: Repeater Inputs; 70 cm Band (UHF, 430-440 MHz) 430. The 70 cm band (420 to 450 MHz) is another popular ham band for simplex and repeater operating, so we’ll take a look at that band now. 25 Meter 7 70 Centimeter 8 23 Centimeter 9 Commonly used FM simplex frequencies in Northern California are summarized. One advantage of the 70cm band is its ability to penetrate buildings and other obstacles better than higher 2m FM "Adventure" Simplex (Unofficial) 146. 480 FM Repeater Inputs 52. (More Simplex Frequencies Available For Use in EMa FM Mode Frequency: Current Use: 2m Band: 146. 140: FM Voice Simplex (No Automated Base Stations) 222. 100 : BM: 33cm SSB CW: 33cm SSB/CW Calling: USB: Ham: 927. 510 Mhz are also used. 5KHz) Frequency modulated (FM) 2. 000 as 4) In the frequency ranges 430. For FM Analog Voice, the following frequencies are recommended: 446. 510 AMATEUR SATELLITES The Arizona 2m band plan shows a range of frequencies to be used for FM simplex, such as 146. 670 D-Star (70cm) - 440. 1500 448. 800-434. S. Avoid if Weak signal and FM simplex (145. One of the standard D-STAR simplex channels is 145. 980 FM Repeater Outputs 53. 410-51. 200 National calling frequency 29. 520 for the duration of their QSO. 000 and 446. 150: Weak signal work – No FM voice (no repeater operation allowed per FCC §97. 490 and 52. Note that Digital channels are interwoven between these FM Simplex channels. We must use a different part of the 70cm band for FM emissions. 600 : BM: 10mFM Ham: 10-meter FM simplex: FM: Ham: 50. 520 0. 520MHz and 446. 420: 445. 1750 * 441. 275 - 439. 060: 444. Repea t e r i n pu ts 2 5 M H z s pli t pai r e d w i th t ho s e i n 92 7 Link: N6USO/2m & K6TEM/70cm 3 K6OPJ 445. 000: Point to Point Mtn RX 20 kHz BW – One Way: 440. 4500: U278: 433. 000 5 88. 565 (T-hunts) • Of particular note, some simplex frequencies listed in the ARRL Band Plan may, or may not, be repeater inputs in some areas as our coordinators make changes to better suit their area. E. One single-band mobile FM transceiver for this band is Alinco’s 435. 520, 146. 7375* *MARC1 Simplex: 2: 51. 500 146. 5 2m simplex frequency - W0TLM We use radios frequently - typically 2m FM, with a standard simplex frequency, from base, mobile, and probable stations. 25m. AM, RTTY & Experimental 432. 325 to 432. ) Special Event & emergency •146. Their extistence limits the use of those frequencies. "Free-space path loss" gets bigger with frequency. Amateur Radio in San Diego County, California (CA) Frequency Input License Type Tone Tone In Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 449. 3850 FM Repeater Inputs – 15 and 7. 520 and 445. 000 National 70cm Simplex Calling Frequency 144. 250 Recommended packet frequency 29. 5 kHz deviation analog voice . 415: 223. 600 52. 075 AX25 Packet Radio 439. National Calling Frequency at 52. The ranges between repeater spilts, about 146. Approved at 4/23/22 meeting. We do not presently have a fixed repeater. 450 Mhz U276 SU19 433. 750 MHz (25kHz aligned) 70. Sep 4, 2012 54 0 16 44. 675 KJ4KLE-B. The ITU amateur radio allocation is from 430 to 440 MHz; however, some countries, such as the United States, allocate hams 420 to 450 MHz. , which use only 1,303 frequencies? Imagine if you can have all, some, or none of your favorite local repeaters AND almost every other 2M & 70CM repeater frequency for your region programmed in your mobile radio. 4750: U280: 433. Basically anywhere open that isn't published for FM Ham 432. 535 •146. For instance, there are 31 separate six meters channels designated for FM simplex channels. 400 ARDF frequency 439. 480 FM Repeater Inputs. Summary. 990 FM Repeater Inputs 148. Below are the recommended simplex frequencies to be used with DMR in the United States and Canada. At first it's 20kHz steps until 146MHz where it becomes 15kHz Between those two frequencies happens to be the misc/experimental and amsat bands. 600 MHz: Repeaters (output) 145. Many of those repeaters use reversed input/output frequencies. 0 MHz Links, Auxiliary, and digital are 20 kHz wide channels except as noted ATV is a single 6 MHz wide simplex channel Weak Signal, Satellite, and All Mode segments are not channelized For general Amateur Radio, see ARRL (www. Shared by auxiliary and control links, repeaters and simplex National FM Simplex Frequency= 446. arrl. 4 National AM Simplex Frequency 50. 520 would be the common FM ones. 500 51. Even if other bandplan information (such as the ARRL national bandplan) shows a frequency segment as being available for simplex operation, please check the Utah Bandplan 144. 4250 MHz FM simplex – used by GB2RS news broadcast: 70. 433. 075: 30 m: SSB: 10. 050 - 430. 800 MHz FM (Maritime "Channel 16") vertical polarization All vessels equipped with VHF must maintain watch Aircraft The 2-meter band plan includes two ranges of frequencies for simplex, 146. Use of this frequency will reduce traffic on 146. 520, the National FM Simplex Calling Frequency, as well as 146. Tactical ID – TAC2 . 5000 MHz U280 FM Calling Channel 06. 7900 FM Digital/Packet Simplex – 20 kHz spacing 145. 530 MHz GB2RS news broadcast and slow morse: 51. Short QSO. 100 is the Common VHF/UHF FM Simplex Frequencies BY N4UJW. 50 and 446. 600 - 147. 310-144. 520 National US FM Calling Frequency. 200 Digital voice calling frequency 439. Remember the simplex calling frequencies for 2-Meter and 70cm Bands (listed below). 590 A Typical 6 Meter Band: Mode: Frequency: 80 m: 3. Open your squelch so weak signals will be heard. 205) 222. 580 -5 156. 300 WSPR Oceania frequency. 535 FM Simplex channel 146. 400 MHz. 755 MHz; 145. 600 •145. 460 (remote bases) •146. 525 MHz; Recommended 2m Simplex Frequencies for Linking (AllStar, Echolink, Hotspots, etc. If you had SSB cabability, 432. 200 - national calling frequency (I've actually never checked in here!) 146. 350 SOARA Simplex for Events (“Heiko” Simplex) 146. 2 No Continue reading Calgary and Area Repeater Frequencies→ To work simplex with your DMR or C4FM radio please do not use the FM analog national call frequencies 2m (146. xlsx Location Name Frequency Duplex Offset Tone rToneFreq cToneFreq Comment 1 CALL 52 146. 965 to 27. 375 •144. 550 (S22) as these are only for FM analogue calling and AM usage respectively This is a 70cm FM simplex frequency. While harder to get portable radios for: W0TLM 2m 70cm frequency list- Rev 12. Simplex Operation and Frequencies for U. And, as is the case in the rest of North America, the 2m FM calling frequency is 146. 1500 446. The HRS site talks about spacing being either 15, 20 or 25 kHz spacing depending on your location. 610-147. 100 APRS Where a link transmitter is co-sited with a 70cm repeater, the link will be allocated to the band segment 430. 500 Mhz U280 Calling Channel SU21 433. Tactical ID – TAC6 WICEN (NSW) also holds a number of repeater licences and associated frequencies, for both fixed and portable locations. 390 FM / Digital / Linear Repeater Outputs. 2 MHz, whereas AM/FM contacts tend can be initiated at the 70. 860; 446. 1000 441. 120 Simplex repeater gateway frequency 29. 800 447. 1150 144. 01,03,05,07,09 are widely used for packet) They aren't FCC rules, with a few exceptions. 2-Meter Band Calling Frequency 146. On 2m you have to use narrow deviation, but you can open it up on 70cm. 100 MHz; For Digital Data, the following frequencies are recommended: 6m: 50. 144. 950 or 144. 390: FM Repeater Outputs: 147. A portion of your signal be outside the ham band! Especially do not use FM on frequencies below 144. 20-145. 5 or 25 kHz channel spacing) 438. Warm Springs, GA +2. 075, (Simplex) Ham radio frequencies vary based on location and preference, but some general ones are valuable for most preppers. 025: EME (“Moonbounce”) 222. 540: Inter-Area Linking / Simplex DX Cluster Linking: There are only four common use 70cm simplex frequencies assigned in Utah. 50MHz offset. 540 as Calling Channel. as this over-the-air frequency range overlaps that of So, if Texas uses 20 kHz spacing on the 2m simplex frequencies, how does that consider and work in the National Simplex Calling Frequency channel of 146. Incidentally although the UK usage column of this sub-band indicates that the majority of channels are used by digital modes, internet gateways or emergency communication groups that does I am also a little confused by the 70cm simplex frequencies. 7 Pomona Cal Poly Pomona 5 KD6DDM 445. 000 Mhz, not 446. org) Simplex Frequency operation within the Utah bandplan: It cannot be emphasized too strongly that the choice of frequencies used for simplex operations be considered carefully. 460 146. 385 USB PSK31 50. Any band may be used forthese contacts, though 2m and 70cm primary frequencies are Did you know that there are approximately 18,793 2M & 70CM Band repeaters in the U. 060: Propagation Beacons 222. Avoid 146. FM Simplex Calling on 70cm is at 446. 70 cm access tone 88. YSF Room: #08248 51. 100-222. 075 ARCC BAND PLAN Eastern Pennsylvania Analog FM Voice "441. 445 146. 020 FM Simplex 53. Please program a 123Hz tone on transmit when calling any EOC. 190: 12 m: SSB: 24. 000 - 450. 505 146. 520 - 2m NATIONAL CALLING FREQUENCY 52. com . 510, 147. As of June, 2019 most EOC simplex frequencies require a 123Hz tone. Tactical ID – TAC5 . 400-147. The band is allocated to the Amateur Service with Secondary status and includes additional restrictions in National simplex frequency: 447. You'll likely hear more if you try 146. 600 : BM: 10m FM Simplx: 10m FM Simplex: FM: Ham: 50. 4000: U274: 433. 9000 – 445. 6125 (DV calling channel) 144. 980: 440. 5750 MHz U286 What are the simplex Digital Frequencies? There are also 8 non-official digital simplex channels for 70cm I have these programmed 70cm Simplex Channels – Frequency Old Name Frequency New Name Use SU16 433. 9375 440. 000 Mhz range. 500? I've just received a fresh new FTM-400XDR and looking to test her out! Any band may be used for these contacts, though 2m and 70cm primary frequencies are recommended (see below). 525 Mhz is the National FM simplex frequency on 6 meters. 625-675 MHz: Digital communications (25 kHz channels) also 433. National 1. 70 cm FM Simplex. 050 - 439. 050-222. 500: 146. 336 MHz, and is considered the net home frequency. 400 thru 146. Locator: IO83WG ITU: 27 IARU: 1 CQ: 14 DXCC: 223 IOTA: EU-005 WAB: SJ97 RSGB AFS: MACC. Tactical ID – TAC1 . 0000 National FM Simplex Calling Frequency In most areas, there is very little simplex FM activity on the 70 cm band, and what's there is confined to just a couple of channels. currently the typical simplex channel allocation is 15khz, since Dstar is only 6. 9750 Simplex & Packet (25 kHz spacing) 446. The 70-centimeter or 440 MHz band is a portion of the UHF radio spectrum internationally allocated to amateur radio and amateur satellite use. 825 447. 775 REPEATER OUTPUTS - 5. 0625 441. 775 FM AND DIGITAL SIMPLEX (12. 550 52. 950 - 439. 540 – 223. 185 MHz, except between 1545 to 1700 UTC, when it moves to 7. 600: Digital Channels: 223. 580 51. 0000S is designated by the ARRL as the National simplex frequency. 4150 438. 400 MHz for any reason. 5kHz spacing 146. 450, 147. 000 446. 525 FM Simplex Calling Frequency 52. 550 - Lancaster County Simplex Net Alternate 52. 040 - 53. 00 ATV repeater or simplex with 421. 850 is only used around Salt Lake City and reserved for other uses in the rest of the state. Comments. 52. UK 2m simplex frequencies. 01,03,05,07,09 are widely used for packet) 145. Another commonly used frequency is the 70cm simplex frequency at 446 MHz, which offers a reliable option for short WICEN has national frequencies allocated in the Australian Amateur Band Plans, and some frequencies in the commercial bands. organizations who publish very detailed band plans seem to agree on e. You can operate FM simplex anywhere you want as long as it's not prohibited and that isn't much. Channel spacing per the BCARCC (BC Amateur Radio Coordination Council). 00000 MHz – 450. 000 MHz: National Calling Frequency (FM Simplex) 145. 20: Linear translator outputs: 145. 600 MHz along with a note that says the Even 20 kHz Frequencies should be used. 585: FM Simplex: 147. 400 thru 147. Those repeaters are . 200 is traditionally an SSB frequency. 2 METERS •145. 615 Laguna Hills ARES 145. SATELLITES These frequencies are suggested for scouts on site. 520 is the National FM Voice Simplex Calling Frequency Repeater Pairs. 000: Adjust subbands to show dial frequency for simplex. 560 - 52. 950 MHz, several packet repeaters were established : prior to the formation of BCARCC. 400 Remote Control. 500: Simplex Digital (Packet) 16 kHz BW – No Voice: 441. org) For repeaters, link, and auxiliary see NARCC (www. 975 MHz, FM. 300 to 432. 025 FM Simplex. 600 Ok, so here goes. See Note 7. 700 MHz output, 146. 535 MHz; 146. 000 MHz (or even 147. 432. 025, 446. 9250 440. Amateur FM Simplex. 500 are common. 900 - 145. 000 MHz: ATV (Amateur Television) 432. 480 MHz; 147. 550 FM Simplex channel 146. 525* 52. 500 : BM: 33cm FM Call: 33cm FM Simplex Calling: FMN: 446. 000 – 445. 2m. T-hunt. 595 FM Simplex Calling Frequency 146. 520, which is the "national" 2 meter FM calling channel. 00 0-902. 990: FM Repeater Inputs: 70cm band gives you 445-447MHz for simplex use, but shared with repeaters. 505 MHz, FM. Another commonly used frequency is the 70cm simplex frequency at 446 MHz, which offers a reliable option for short The Colorado Council of Amateur Radio Clubs (CCARC) 2 Meter Frequency Use Plan states that 144. 10-145. 510 MHz FM calling frequency: 51. 050, 446. 00-450. 415 146. So that means the preferred Amateur Radio in Bexar County, Texas (TX) Frequency Input License Type Tone Tone In Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 53. 490 •145. 00-426. 725 MHz; 145. 500: National FM Calling Frequency: 223. 565 FM Simplex channel. For 1. 150 * Use 446. 510 446. 0 MHz offset (legacy) (Note 6) 442. 0000 - 445. 500 FM Calling frequency. 25m FM simplex calling frequency, unlike 2m and 70cm which both have one. EOC Callsign Frequency; Langford: VE7LEP: 146. 375 Laguna Niguel Yeah, the nomenclature is clumsy. Output Input Output Input Output Input Output Input; 145. Carleton KI6UKZ 13 November 2009. 490 - 52. 2 M FM Simplex. 1000 448. Avoid if T-hunt in progress: reach out to SCRRBA yourself. See Notes 10 and 11. 520, which can be busy at times. UK Business Radio Simple Frequencies; UK Band Plan – 70cm; UK Band Plan – 2m; UK Band Plan – 4m; UK Band Plan – 6m; UK Band Plan – 10m; UK Band Plan – 12m; UK Band Plan – 15m; UK Band Plan – 17m; UK Band Plan – 70cm. I've looked around and I can't seem to find a 1. AM, RTTY & Experimental Calling Frequencies. 440. 480, 147. 125: 17 m: SSB: 18. 100 APRS 439. 1000 446. 885 QRP SSB Calling Freq 51. F M / o t he r in c lu d in g D V Or C W / SSB. 145. 950, 446. 9125: 927. As stated before, 446. 520 (National Simplex #ñ¥AQHÎj{ P 7ñ±Îóý¿Z–ÿù$ , =‰Ý €àR¬éòÈëÖÞÚcý: qAb 0ÖÒ|õW/Aø–(qî0ùÿ¿oi¹2Ñ n,ùL±38M²!ãm Ý{ß ªMÐM h˜ `Ì9 † ìuï¾ If you took a mode such as Dstar and put it into a current simplex frequency, you would and could have two simplex frequencies in essence. 6 Meter Simplex Frequencies --51. 5 kHz deviation analog voice 20K0F3E Wideband (<25KHz) Frequency modulated (FM) analog voice, 5 kHz deviation 446. For new hams who are likely to get started in local VHF/UHF operation, the national calling frequencies to be concerned with are 2m and 70cm FM simplex (non-repeater). 43 and 146. KI0HC: 440ATV: ATV FM Wideband Analog Voice: C4FM: C4FM Yaesu System Fusion: 8K30F7W: NXDN Narrow Band Voice and Data: 2 meter and 70cm Simplex Frequency Usage (Wasatch Front Area Only) Note: If Do not use frequencies such as 148. 520: 146. 4000 MHz U272 05. And the change is also among repeater frequencies and that's their step sizes One other thing to consider at least here in IARU R1 is that our band plan specifies wider 25KHz channel spacing for FM simplex on 70cm vs 12. 550, 446. Available gear includes base stations, mobile units and HTs. 500 is commonly used as well. National SSB Calling Frequency: 222. 26 MHz AM/FM centre of activity. 520 MHz (National Calling Frequency) 146. As most hotspots focus on 70cm frequencies, these are the only ones considered here. 25 Meters and 70 CM, the National FM Simplex Calling Frequencies are 223. 500 Remote Control 53. 200 - 145. 250 MHz: Digital communications. 400 Legacy modes. 290 FM SIMPLEX 29. These are narrowband FM (NBFM) channels with 12. See Notes 12 and 13. 25 MHz video carrier 446. 00000 MHz Revision 2022-08-15 ARCA Frequency modulated (FM) 2. 150 Internet gateways 439. TASMA Approved Simplex Frequencies for the Southern California Area. 950 MHz and 439. 5 Chino 4 K6CPP 445. 390: FM / Digital / Linear Repeater Outputs. 500 Most repeaters use ctcss tones, but the frequencies as well tones can easily be found on the net. 00 MHz. It doesn't change what other people will hear. 445 •146. 520 (National Simplex Where I am in central US, 70cm 435MHz is almost always 25kHz steps, but 2m 146MHz changes half-way through. 420 – 147. 5000: Calling Channel: U282: 433 For new hams who are likely to get started in local VHF/UHF operation, the national calling frequencies to be concerned with are 2m and 70cm FM simplex (non-repeater). 050 MHz) for FM simplex operation. Also there are allocations for IARU Emergency Operations, to be used as a centre frequency for traffic in Primary 147. Some FM simplex operation also occurs on 29. 100 to 52. 000MHz, TV Coordination Channel – Simplex: 439. exces3 Member. For example 446. 885 International 6 Metre liaison frequency 29. It was one the 147 simplex frequencies in the upper part of the band. On the Bands. 8750 FM Repeater Inputs/Auxiliary Links (25 kHz spacing) 445. 425 to 432. Thank you to Adam VA6TRX for compiling this list! If you have any corrections or additions to this list please email info@arescalgary. 565 MHz (Transmitter “Fox” Hunts) 146. 400 Mhz U272 ATV Talkback SU17 433. 25 meter (3:00pm–3:30pm) 2. Tactical ID – SOUTH1 . 520 FM to FM simplex on the following amateur bands: 2 meter(1pm–2pm), 70 centimeter (2:00 pm – 2:30 pm), 6 meter (2:30pm–3:00pm) and 1. 2m FM Calling. 020 - 52. Consult with your local coordination body. 000 is the only nationally recognized simplex FM frequencies on the 440 band. Other FM simplex activity occurs in the 51. 430 MHz, FM. 0 MHz. It outlines use of the Wilderness Protocol. Please forgive me if this is dumb, but is there a designated 2m and 70cm C4FM Simplex call frequency in Australia? Or does everyone just use 146. 600 and 147. 25m band FM simplex calling frequency. However, due to the lack of use, many choose to remain on 146. 52 MHz) 146. Do not use these frequencies for any digital work. 475 146. 610 – 147. 520. The additional band appears to be 1. 570: FM Simplex and Digital Hotspots using a 30 kHz raster. 50500 M Business Business FMN Weak signal and FM simplex (145. 600, but it's not good to just pick a frequency in that range at random. 40, 146. Well, this was my conundrum and if you’re interested, read Ham radio frequencies vary based on location and preference, but some general ones are valuable for most preppers. There are many simplex frequencies available to the ham community. 100) are for SSB. 510 •145. 525 Mhz U282 SU22 433. 00 National simplex frequency 447. 910 FM Internet Linking 52. 880 may be used as pairs for a low-power duplex node or as separate simplex node frequencies. 25m FM Simplex: 223. National Simplex Calling and RACES Regions 1A/1B. exactly which frequencies are acceptable for FM simplex. 200 MHz to 145. Single-band equipment for 70cm is rare, but many dual-band transceivers are available that operate on both 2 meters and 70cm. YSF Room: #08248 APRS is at 144. 25 Meter (222 MHz) Bandplan 222. 500 Mhz. Stay away from the existing repeater inputs and the ssb portion and satellite band. 1500 16 kHz Max BW – FM Only Repeater Output: 445. 595 FM Simplex. Note 10: The frequencies 146. 010 – 146. 8000 146. Most people don't use them, and thus, would hear your "private" conversations just fine. 00. 600-147. 520Mhz. The Amateur Band Plans are voluntary agreements, relying on amateur self-regulation. D-Star Frequencies. 520 MHz. 950: 10 m: CW /SSB / AM 144. 00 - 150. 300 - 29. 125 : BM: 6m SSB Call: 6m SSB Calling: USB I've included the simplex calling frequencies, areas around them often contain traffic (depending again on where you are). 610-29. 400: 223. 570 52. Mode. 585 FM Simplex 147. 10000 BM 70cm SSB Call : Several regional frequency coordinators recognize 223. 525 MHz; simplex QSOs will be possible around the calling frequency. 150-222. 520 51. With the sole exception The Seventy Centimetre (70cm) band within the UK is 10MHz wide commencing at 430MHz and extending through to 440MHz. 520 146. In addition to the band segments, from 3:30 – 4pmdigital voice QSOs can be made, using D-Star or Fusion modes. 4125 Mhz U273 FM/DV SU17 433. 100 - 70-cm calling frequency (I haven't had success here yet) 446. 475 FM Simplex Experimental modes. Contest Frequencies : Contest frequencies fall within the Wisconsin Association of Repeaters band plan . Tnx. 550 •146. This article will give you the suggested and recommended 70CM: 25KHz Steps: 25KHz Bandwidth: Name: Frequency: Notes: U272: 433. All simplex frequencies operate on time-slot 1 and use color code 1. 0250 441. For simplex, 146. on both 2 meters and 70cm. 025 - 430. Narrow, 200 Hz or less. 555 •145. 200. It also provides a suggested outline for Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly UK Business Radio Simple Frequencies; UK Band Plan – 70cm; UK Band Plan – 2m; UK Band Plan – 4m; UK Band Plan – 6m; UK Band Plan – 10m; UK Band Plan – 12m; UK Band Plan – 15m; UK Band Plan – 17m; UK Band Plan – 70cm. 2 Sunset Ridge 146. 920 -5 186. I understand that band The simplex calling frequencies (146. PL tones and privacy tones only stop YOU from hearing other people. ARRL 70cm National Calling Frequency at 52. 500 frequency, 12. 060 - 52. 4250 Mhz U274 FM/DV Radio channel should be set to DMO/Simplex UHF VHF 438. 1500 443. 400 - 146. 10 Weak signal and FM simplex (145. 490 146. 380: Repeater Inputs: 223. 595 MHz; 147. This issue is worse for 70cm than for 2m, but exists on both bands. 950 MHz, FM. 9875 441. 520 – National FM Calling Frequency. 520 MHz) or 70cm (446. 73s de WB4UR :) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Amateur Radio (United States) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Amateur Radio (United States) 70cm FM Simplx: 70cm FM Simplex Calling: FM: Ham: 902. 0000-431. 67, so let's use it. 000 National FM voice calling frequency 439. 400-146. These frequencies will be guaranteed to be clear of other uses - AND other people on them will probably be using the same mode as you (Analog FM), so you're likely to recognize and be able to work around other stations (by talking to them and saying "Hey yall, is the channel in use?") - where, if they were Home » Calgary and Area Repeater Frequencies. 670 ; o Set offset to none ; o Set mode to DV (probably was FM by default) (DV is the D-STAR Voice Modulation mode) o Don't worry about the RPT1, RPT2, and UR call signs when working simplex. 53. 375 W4LEE. 740 MHz; 145. 405 - 147. 5250 MHz U282 07. 00: Repeater inputs and outputs (local option) 33 Centimeters (902-928 MHz) F re qu e nc y Ra ng e. 500MHz and the 70cm FM voice calling frequency is 433. The ARRL does not list it in their band plan. 5000 as the national 1. 000 (1 MHz away from national FM calling frequency, already in use for digital) I have a few simplex DMR frequencies on 2M and 70 CM programmed in the radios from some list I saw a few years ago. 200 : Linear translator outputs : 145. 000; 446. 490 52. 4900 FM Repeater Outputs – 20 kHz spacing 145. 020 – 449. PRIMARY – 2 METER FM SIMPLEX: 146. 000 – 450. I did ask about P25 simplex with some know They have a band plan for 70cm which lists the exact simplex frequencies. 000 Repeater Inputs & Outputs Standard FM Repeaters 77 - Repeater Pairs, 25 KHz spacing 5 MHz split Low Output, High Input 441. Page 2 Arizona 70cm Bandplan Hot Spots are a special designation of Simplex Frequencies allocated for local proximity use and should So here are the analog simplex frequencies: 01. As with SSB/CW work, please do not monopolize the calling frequency. 580 MHz; 146. 4000 146. 5-kHz deviation. Colorado I am also a little confused by the 70cm simplex frequencies. For ham purposes, it is best to be specific about the FM deviation. 405-144. On which frequencies to use various modulation methods is specified in the Radio Amateur Band Plan published by the RSGB, and for 2m and 70cm digital mode is as follows : 2 Metres. Just pick a couple of simplex frequencies that aren't the calling frequency. 243 MHz. 5 2m FM Calling Frequency 2 CALL446 446. 5950 FM Voice Simplex – 15 and 7. 130 146. 46 MHz continue to be used as repeater inputs in some areas. 160 – 223. 000 is the National Digital Simplex Calling Frequency In most areas, there are designated FM simplex frequencies. Think of its use similar to Marine Channel 16 or the old CB Channel 19 (but for amateurs). 125 : BM: 6mSSB Ham: 6-meter SSB calling frequency Frequency Input License Type Tone Tone In Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 29. 100 MHZ should be used for Packet communications. 525 •145. The ARRL doesn't list other 70cm simplex frequencies because band usage varies too much. A secondary net usually is in operation at 7. As such, this simplex channel should be used for Frequency Use Plan 70cm (440 MHz) Frequency (MHz) Type Sub-band Usage; 420. 9125 440. 200 Remote Control 53. 2 METERS (144-148 Mhz) 146. Here KØNR operates half duplex, using a 2m/70cm dual band Yagi to make 52. 000 National Simplex Frequency 445. 615 •146. 000: Simplex and Repeater Inputs: 440. Operating Procedures. 5 kHz spacing and in this sub-band area you’ll find FM telephony, packet radio, RTTY and internet gateways. 375 FM Simplex General use. 400 – 223. 525 Legacy modes. 90-145. Unless you have the right radio (capable of SSB) and a really good antenna, you won't hear anything D-Star (70cm) - 440. 52 No FM 2M SSB Calling 144. Just to underscore 146. com Sponsor Frequency TX Tone Mode Callsign 2M FM Calling 146. 250: Misc. 445. 6100 Statewide ARES Packet 145. 510 MHz; 147. 5 70 cm FM Calling Frequency 3 SPX42 147. We did not attempt to identify or suggest hotspot Did you know that there are approximately 18,793 2M & 70CM Band repeaters in the U. 500 may be a good simplex frequency in CA but in TX it is a repeater ARIZONA 70CM BAND PLAN 440. 100 - 145. PRIMARY – 70 cm FM SIMPLEX: 445. 4000 Mhz U272 FM/AFSK 433. narcc. 405 MHz. 540 •145. Repeater inputs and outputs. These are 146. 375 Laguna Niguel ACS 146. 525 National FM Simplex Calling Frequency. 540 51. o Set frequency to 145. ham bands above 50Mhz. 147. 500 : FM repeater outputs : National simplex frequency : 447. Yeah, the nomenclature is clumsy. SIMPLEX FREQUENCIES. Weak signal and FM simplex (145. The use of ham and CB radios has become increasingly common over the years, especially during emergencies or for communication in remote areas where I am looking for simplex frequencies, excluding the National Simplex for 2m and 70 cm, to use for digital simplex with Yaesu C4FM/System Fusion, APRS. 130: 52. 000-222. 110 - 29. 000: Repeater inputs and outputs (local option) 33 Centimeters (902 MHz - 928 MHz) Frequency Designation; I am trying to set up a simplex, radio-to-radio communications on either the 2-meter or 70cm bands. What are the normall ‘SOTA’ calling freqs on 2m/70cm FM? 73 Mike G/VK6MB Also its hard to tell if 2m is FM or SSB. 0000 * 441. 80 MHz for non-FM AFSK, 52. 70cm has two voting receivers (Olinda, Diamond X6000 vertical; Macedon, 3dB vertical). 880/441. 000 - 70cm NATIONAL CALLING FREQUENCY 446. 540 FM Simplex. 520 (calling freq. Most repeaters and simplex use in the US is 5-kHz deviation. This means that the available simplex frequencies will be different in Southern Utah Simplex Frequency Allocation (2 m and 70 cm only, Wasatch Front only) Primary International Distress: 156. by FM simplex operation is allowed on a wide range of frequencies not otherwise allocated for repeaters or special use. 000: Simplex – Lowlevel Mobile, Autopatch, IRLP, EchoLink, No Digital: 441. 000 MHz to 432. 570FM Simplex and Digital Hotspots using a 30 kHz raster. 580: FM: Alternate activity frequency for SOTA, POTA, and other contacts. One good operating practice is to 446. For 70 cm, lots of simplex activity is around the official simplex 433. Another example is the different assignments of spectrum for FM Simplex. 390 FM Repeater Outputs 147. 000 - 426. 446. simplex FM Simplex: 29. In practice the one frequency that is the most common, 52. Amateur Radio Standard Repeater Offsets; Band Offset MHz 10 m (29 MHz) Simplex – In the amateur radio context, FM repeater operation uses two frequencies: the repeater receive frequency and the repeater transmit frequency. 525, is so rarely used that moving off that frequency (to spare the calling channel) is considered ridiculous. 550 Mhz U284 Rally Talk In SU23 433. 50: FM repeater outputs: 29. 5KHz on 2m. 860/441. 1100 145. 535: FM Simplex channel: 146. 420 0. Always listen first to avoid interfering with another QSO or auxiliary or control link. FM Voice Repeaters There are a number of 2m and 70cm FM repeaters in the Victoria-area. 6 88. 125 Internet gateways To make as many contacts as possible, encouraging the use of VHF/UHF FM simplex mode, and to have fun and meet some new radio friends! Frequencies: The contest will take place on the 2m and 70cm FM Bands using simplex mode ONLY, (NO repeater contacts). 5 Corona Sierra Peak 6 KD6AFA 445. 312 WSPR, FTx, JTx, CW non geographic beacons. 100 Remote Control 53. 000 MHz or 144. 1375 441. 435 Northern California FM Simplex Operations Guide Robert B. 595 FM Simplex band?. 000 MHz). 060 DX voice traffic in SSB mode can be found around the SSB calling frequency of 70. This is the location to “hail” for other operators listening, and make contact from there. The primary SSB operating frequency of the county hunting net is 14. 580 Laguna Woods ARES 145. 00 Repeater inputs and outputs (local option) 70 Centimeter Band Plan (420-450 Mhz) 420. 000: 5 MHz Input / Output Split 20 kHz Channel Spacing 16 kHz Max BW I've been having a look online and found 433. 0000 Satellite Sub-Band 146. 1500 441. The repeater’s job is to take the signal it hears on its receiver and retransmit it on the transmit frequency. 55 MHz in the 146. 390 MHZ is also used Nationwide for APRS. 850 And 447. 430 146. 60 – 50. 520: Simplex Digital (Packet) 16 kHz BW 2 meter simplex calling frequency here is officially 145. 760 -5 103. 550, which is commonly used by mobiles and RVers. 000MHz) analog call channels for digital simplex, as they are not in the band plan for narrowband digital use. 550 used a lot in my area REVIEW OF 70 cm BAND PLAN - MAY 2015 The band plan is currently subject to review. 520 Mhz 145. 9125 Reply reply 2m / 70cm Simplex Contact (using the Calling Frequency) The 2m FM voice calling frequency is 145. Once you've made contact and established a QSO, it's considered 'best practice' to move your QSO to another, agreed frequency. 20 Linear translator outputs Note: * 146. 000MHz, respectively, and should be Pick frequencies that aren't already in use in your area. 650 & 51. 565: FM Simplex channel. 050 Updated: 7/31/2020 by K3MJN 446. The following are recommended as FM voice simplex frequencies for ground or mobile operations. The first thing we need to know is the FCC Use simplex frequencies as a means to communicate without using an FM repeater. 150 MHz: CW (Morse code) FM Simplex (National Simplex Frequency =146. 000 Mhz) are intended for FM simplex communication, while the other pair (144. The frequency channels were chosen to conform to the ARRL band plan and the ORRC Oregon ban plan. 5kHz spacing I see digital simplex only being used between hams that know each other with a known frequency and mode. 6M: 2M: 1. Suppose you wanted to choose 10 frequencies that you could communicate with friends on in an emergency using Simplex only, no repeaters, and you want 5 frequencies in the 2m band and 5 frequencies in the 70cm band. I know the frequency allocations for those bands and I found band plans on the AARL as well as a site called hamradioschool. 100: CW/Weak signal calling frequency 222. 0875 441. 5 88. 5100 145. 7500 Operation is restricted to the 6m, 2m, and 70cm bands. 4250: U276: 433. 447. 200/432. Calgary and Area Repeater Frequencies. 025 446. 100, 446. 150: 15 m: SSB: 21. 770 MHz; 145. 0 - 450. 9810: The following are recommended as FM voice simplex frequencies for ground or mobile operations. 920 KJ4KLE-C. Changes are proposed to the band segments used for 438. 07 5. In California, there are 25 specific simplex frequencies listed on the band plan, and only one not recommended for "extended" use, the National Calling Frequency 146. 050 AX25 Packet Radio 439. They are based on national and regional band plans: 2m (144-148MHz): 146. Linked to D-Star reflector REF030B. 00 MHz National FM Simplex Calling 446. but you can experience “doubling” as you would in traditional FM Simplex 25 kHz channel spacing 440. 5150 145. SATELLITES 2 Meter Band Plan Simplex Summary FM Simplex Frequencies (no internet linking) •144. 600 Mhz is the National FM simplex frequency on this band. 475 Mhz U278 SU20 433. 5 Hz. 500 – 440. 1250 State-Wide Shared Non-Protected (SNP) Output 445. 0750 441. 540 52. We used to hams running simplex Fusion on Friday evenings on the same frequency they use for analog. 400 – 146. 500 (S20) and 145. 28. non-conforming but grandfathered in this band plan. Corresponding co-sited 70cm repeaters will be confined to the UK Business Radio Simple Frequencies; UK Band Plan – 70cm; UK Band Plan – 2m; UK Band Plan – 4m; UK Band Plan – 6m; UK Band Plan – 10m; UK Band Plan – 12m; UK Band Plan – 15m; UK Band Plan – 17m; UK Band Plan – 70cm. 570 •145. Thus WICEN does not have any exclusive claim. WICEN (NR) has a 2m/70cm trailer-based portable repeater. 710 MHz; 145. I have an FTM-400XDR mobile rig. 150: Weak signal CW and SSB operation 222. The national calling frequency: "For new hams who are likely to get started in local VHF/UHF operation, the national calling frequencies to be concerned with are 2m and 70cm FM simplex (non-repeater). Functional Use. The only ‘Ham’ channel frequen cies that 20 kHz spacing plan would New ham here, I just got a tri-band BTECH as an upgrade from my dual-band UV-5R. 05 Government Exclusive Business VHF 151. 370 FM / Digital / Linear Repeater Inputs. 2: No: USB VHF Simplex: 50. 4375 MHz Digital modes (special projects) (70cm) Necessary Bandwidth UK Usage; 430. Introduction 3 References 4 6 Meter 5 2 Meter 6 1. 520 - national simplex calling frequency (the only place I've called CQ and made contact on simplex) 70cm: 432. 6125 (DV calling channel) U273 to U279 V16 to V19 U281 to U286 V21 to V39 V41 to V47 438. 950 WICEN 439. 5500 MHz U284 Used for Rally/Exhibition talk-in 08. About 10dB from 2m to 70cm. 775 FM SIMPLEX 438. Tired of being cooped up on repeaters? Many hams use the 70cm band for local repeater systems or simplex communication with friends in their area. ) 145. 560 -5 136. 9750 FM Repeater Outputs (25 kHz spacing) 442. 6 METERS (50-54 Mhz band) 52. 000 - 53. 25M: 70CM: 33CM: Notes: A: B: C: D: E: 1: 51. When the band conditions are poor or in cases where stations operator are able to transmit with modest power levels only, modern digital modes, capable of decoding National US FM Calling Frequency. 600 MHz to 145. 425 Mhz U274 SU18 433. I hear 146. 405-147. 000*, 445. 500 447. 00000 MHz Revision 11K2F3E Narrowband (<12. 590 MHz FM/DV Simplex: 51. 100 MHz input, PL of 192. 000 - National simplex frequency (I hear a repeater on that frequency in Los Angeles!) Ham radio frequencies vary based on location and preference, but some general ones are valuable for most preppers. 62, 50. 1000 443. Another commonly used frequency is the 70cm simplex frequency at 446 MHz, which offers a reliable option for short One other thing to consider at least here in IARU R1 is that our band plan specifies wider 25KHz channel spacing for FM simplex on 70cm vs 12. Here’s how to use them: Adjust your radio’s squelch, to be able to hear weak signals (just on the edge between silence and the white noise ‘hiss’ Tune to the calling frequency 2 Meter Note: Because of concerns over interference from adjacent channels, other states use a channel spacing of 20 kHz, while southern Nevada uses 30 kHz and Alaska uses 60 kHz. 902. 520/446. Standard Repeater Offsets. 000/445. 490 Mission Viejo RACES 144. This is a 70cm FM simplex frequency. Depending on the country the band is shared with other radio services (in United States with HOWEVER, these frequencies are NOT appropriate for analog FM nodes. among other frequencies. 5 Kc channel spacing is used here, when working a repeater use the narrow level modulation. "Wide FM" can mean different things, depending on the context. 115: 20 m: SSB: 14. 000 is the National Digital Simplex Calling Frequency" My region, club recommendations: D-Star (2M) - 145. 785 MHz; 70cm FM Arizona 70cm Bandplan ARIZONA 70CM BANDPLAN 440. 1625 441. 585 •145. 9500 440. 120 – 222. 0125 441. Sponsor Frequency TX Tone Mode Callsign; 2M FM Calling: 146. Simplex Channel: Frequency: Please do not use the 2m (146. 9250: 927. g. Never heard anyone on them, but did play around with a few my radios to test them. 040 FM Simplex 52. Reply. (*are commonly used as the National DMR Simplex Channels and should be used only as Calling Frequency Input License Type Tone Tone In Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 29. The 2 Meter FM Simplex. 520: FM Voice Simplex: 223. 600 are usually allocated for simplex FM As for individual channels/frequencies, all I know is whatever your local club likes to use, and whatever happens to be popular in that area. 520MHz) or 70cm (446. 550 FM Voice Simplex (20 kHz spacing) 146. 5 kHz one could place to Dstar system in the place of one analogue system. 560 51. Many handheld radios call this "wide FM" and their "narrow FM" setting is 2. 390. 8 – FM and C4FM, N2NF Repeater located in Tuckerton . 400: 445. 510 Laguna Beach ACT 144. The channel spacing for each state is shown in the offset map that is part of the ARRL Repeater Directory. 300 Remote Control 53. 125 Internet gateways 439. 300 FM Simplex Calling Frequency (West Coast) 50. 510 52. 000: Remote Control Only – No Voice or Digital: 441. 415: What is a simplex frequency? Simplex – In the amateur radio context, simplex operation means the radio stations are communicating with each other directly, on the same frequency. 0000 – 444. YSF Room: #08248 446. The Utah coordinators have dedicated much of the spectrum often available for simplex to repeater control, repeater linking and other stuff. 430 (ATV voice) •146. It sounded great and I really don't like or use Fusion anytime. 146. 670 D-Star Simplex. In general use, the term "simplex" implies FM modulation since FM is commonly used in both simplex and duplex operation. 000 - 447. 550 MHz, 52 FM Analog Voice – Transmissions made using standard FM simplex FM Simplex. Digital modes are getting popular enough that the local 432. Jul 3, 2014 Why not use a regular simplex frequency as 70cm has scads of them available between 445 and 447 MHz. 600: 40 m : 7. 52: No: FM 2M SSB Calling: 144. 6125 CALLING CHANNEL; Then use the analogue channels except 145. 500MHz. In some cases repeaters are linked together to create large networks. 610 - 147. Can anyone shed light on what mode Southern Nevada 1. 540* * Use 147. 000MHz, respectively, and should be included in your radio’s scanned channels. 575 Mhz U286 2m Repeater Frequency Name Output your RX Input 70cm FM/DV Simplex Channels – Frequency Old Name Frequency New Name Use SU16 433. In a counterpart article, we looked at the 2 Meter band plan. 535 52. 520 Mhz is Both of these radios operate on specific frequencies, with 2m and 70cm being the most commonly used ham frequencies, while CB radios operate on a set frequency range of 26. 700: National simplex frequency: 447. 050 MHz, 446. See Note 4. 52 MHz (also known as ‘Ham 52’) and the commonly used ‘Ham 55’ channel of 146. 550: FM Simplex channel: 146. Matt suggests the following options for low-power, analog FM usage: 440. 550 MHz; 146. 000 Shared by Auxilliary * Control Links, Repeaters & Simplex Option 447. 0100 146. sxnxngr uokkbpt yvl xhbvt scslzi tbvq apwlf sepv uqc sbtl