Logging prices per ton. This sounds like a smartass answer, but it isn’t.

Logging prices per ton This was up 6% from last period and 11% from the price a year ago. 33 in the year to September 2023. m, up 1. October 2024 September 2024 3-months average 12-months average 1,700 Prices per load of cubic meter loose loaded logs Prices from 1st August 2023 Seasoned Small Load | Apx. 79 per ton in Southeast Texas. 40 $177. Oak Log Prices Oak log prices are the prices paid by mills for delivered logs, meaning the mill buys the logs once they are trucked from the site of *Pricing is subject to change Across the top #1, #2, and #3- represents the grade of log that it is. South American green sawn timber is sold at 541 INR per CFT and Australian radiata pine sawn timber is sold at 571 INR per CFT. 43 Stumpage Prices (per ton) Prices in this survey represent statewide averages, and are not intended to represent any past, current or future values for any buyer or seller. Maple Lumber Value Typically, however, an average-stocked stand of mature maple might have 70 square feet of basal area and 1. 4k Current Report Eastern Oregon Log Prices - December 15, 2024Download Trends Eastern Oregon Log Price Trends (July 2021 - Present)Download Past Reports 2024 Eastern Oregon Log Prices - November 16, 2024Download Eastern Oregon Log Prices Skip to Log Market Analysis (Q1) – January to March 2023 Page 4 of 7 Gisborne Log Prices Per Tonne Grade Forest Enterprises Forest Enterprises Current vs Percentage of the Mar-23 36 Month Average 36 Month Average 36 Month Average Export P40 $227. It was $28. Chip-N-Saw averaged $13. State Agencies Oregon State University Forestry Extension Stumpage Price Report Summer 2021/ #99 The Stumpage Price Report is published semi-annually (January/July) by: DIVISION OF LANDS AND FORESTS 625 Broadway, 5th Floor, Albany, NY 12233-4250 P: (518) 402-9405 l F: (518) 402-9028 l landsforest@dec Stumpage Prices (Per Ton) Species Product Average Pine Sawtimber $31. This information is made possible through an agreement with Timber Mart-South. Sawing Quality per Hoppus Ton Grade 1 Average Euro2116 Euro1963 130 tons Grade 2 Average Euro1760 Euro1586 Domestic log prices per Cu. At Bellwether Forest Products, we will use approximately 850,000 gallons [] The statistics covers average prices for delivery logs. 67 per ton in Southeast Texas. There’s a common myth that small forest blocks are not worth harvesting, *Prices shown are based on per ton stumpage price. LOGGING I'm going to start with logging since its the simplest setup and the pricing for logs is static and is very easy to calculate. -N. 28 per ton. Data for each year's report are collected during February and April, and the reports are published in late May or June. The statewide average pine pulpwood price was $7. 88 Cedar Sawtimber $66. The statewide average pine pulpwood price was $6. 1/2/25 07:51 AM Popular To know maple log prices for your area, contact your local sawmills and ask what the going rate is. Delivered Wood Price Benchmark Dashboards Buyers and sellers of wood raw materials can increase performance and profit margins with market intelligence on lumber 3 Figure 1: Average Mississippi pine sawtimber, pine chip-n-saw, and mixed hardwood sawtimber stumpage prices ($/ton) for 1st quarter 2018 through 1st quarter 2024. 1,160. Truck loads of logs are ultimately worth what the buyer will pay for them, and different buyers (usually sawmills) may have very conflicting ideas about what the logs are worth. By adjusting costs for assumed productivity gains and using fixed labor costs, the pace of logging cost growth is extremely Stumpage is the price paid by loggers for the right to harvest standing timber, and it is the best way to estimate the value of your timber. 19 1. Price reports are available quarterly back to 1977. Carbon prices have softened, with recent Arkansas State-wide Average Stumpage Prices - US$ per ton FAQs Download Product Samples South-wide Price Report › Single State Price Report › Purchase to read TimberMart-South (TMS) collects market data from a broad cross section of the timber industry. 10 per ton. Between March and April log prices dropped 14 percent to $112 - $115 for an A-grade log. US Dept of Commerce. 8 346. 5 logs per tree (on average). Meanwhile, the price of in-shell walnuts usually ranges from $2–$7 per pound. The price report provides state-wide, average standing timber prices for pine, oak, and mixed hardwood sawtimber, pine chip-n-saw, and pine and hardwood pulpwood. Currently the FOB price for Mahogany for US market (length 6+ feet) is between US$1,230. That's 68,000 BTU's with almost no ash. 0 924. Actual prices ranged between US$716 and US$1133 per ton. 20 per ton in Southeast Texas. Want to get the most $7. Any use of this information is as is, with all faults and without any warranty of its accuracy. Want to get the most Logging exporters are being blamed for the current dive in log prices to a level where harvesting is uneconomic. (2) 128 cubic feet of wood, air and bark assuming careful piling. Want to get the most South-wide delivered pine sawtimber price was up this quarter. For information on a specific state, click it in the map below, or use the following select Walnut Price per Ton June 2022 U. The NZ Reserve Bank has kept the official cash rate at 5. 00. 41 per ton statewide, down 5% from last period. 00 and US$1,290. 00 $20. Remodeling activity has been at its highest level in many years A large, top quality black cherry, for example, would command a significant price premium as a veneer log, while limby and crooked sweetgum might be priced as pulpwood. This sounds like a smartass answer, but it isn’t. Cost per tonne = Total Cost ($) ÷ Total Production (tonne) Unfortunately, the process leading up to plugging numbers into this simple Timber Price Information and Contacts This page contains state-by-state information on forest consultants, timber mills, financial incentive programs and timber pricing data. 70 Pulpwood $11. Want to get the most pine sawlog price was $22. Check out the current timber prices and trends for the Southeast region, using our easy to read tables and charts. Private Housing Starts and Building Permits, Annualized monthly. Log Market Analysis (Q1) – April 2021 Page 4 of 8 Gisborne Log Prices Per Tonne Grade Forest Enterprises Forest Enterprises Current vs Percentage of Mar-21 36 Month Average 36 Month Average 36 Month Average Export P40 $199. 4). Coupled with the slowdown in housing starts also due to the wet conditions, the entire wood products supply chain slowed to a Goodbye, Bobby After watching Bobby Goodson of Swamp Logger’s YouTube video announcing he is shutting down his operation on account of fuel and other cost pressures, I wanted to share some thoughts and reflections on the current state of fuel prices in the industry. 45 $ Summary Logging companies can expect to pay between $1 and $8 per board foot for some of the most common hardwood species of trees, such as black walnut, red and white oak, ash trees, yellow poplar trees, and black cherry. Their price will be calculated based on costs. Quality oak sawlog demand remained strong. For example, saw-logs will fetch a higher price per tonne than pulpwood or chipping wood. 26 per ton, up 7% from last period and down 12% from a year ago. Want to get the most Price Per Feb $/MBF Species - Grade Average High Low Number of Quotes Doug-Fir $636 $1,018 $198 Pole ** $974 $1,018 $951 SM and Better $727 $800 $655 2 Saw $639 $702 $575 3 Saw $628 $692 The average price per ton of mixed hardwood sawtimber in Alabama increased by 64 percent, peaking in 2016 (fig. 00 Region 1 Species High MBF' Medium MBF' Low MBF' 1/4 High MBF' 1/4 Medium MBF' 1/4 Low MBF' Veneer Low MBF' Veneer High MBF' Stave High MBF' Stave Low MBF' Qtr Sawn High MBF' Qtr Sawn Low Mbf' Tie-Oak High MBF' Tie-Oak Low MBF' Tie-HWD High MBF' Tie-HWD Low MBF' TIe Ton' Pallet MBF' Pallet Ton' Mat MBF' Fencing MBF' Handle MBF' HDWPulp Stumpage Price Report Winter 202 3 / #10 2 The Stumpage Price Report is published semi-annually (January/July) by: DIVISION OF LANDS AND FORESTS 625 Broadway, 5 th Floor, Albany, NY 12233-4250 P: (518) 402-9405 l F: (518) 402-9028 l landsforest@dec In Pennsylvania, strong pricing for red oak in 2021 and 2022 seems to have pulled back last year and remained at a weaker level in the first quarter of 2024 (based on pricing gathered by Penn State University Reports on the log market give delivered log prices and are compiled from reports submitted by sawmills and other wood processing plants. 77 per cubic metre overbark standing in nominal terms in the year to September 2024, an increase from £30. Menu About us Our task Project Organisation International activities Roundwood prices on pulpwood rose by 37 per cent between year 2022 and 2023 and are now above the level in 2019. edu Resources Forest Landowners Private woodland owners hold Properly Log prices, $ per cubic metre or tonne, from September 2023. Citation: Forest Products Journal 71, 2; 10. A ton costs an average of €403. &RUG 3URGXFWV ! ´GLE &RPELQHG ZLWK )LQH :RRG\ 0DWHULDO ´ GLE E\ :HLJKW VWXPSDJH YDOXH LQ GROODUV SHU WRQ :DX *UHHQ :DX 'RGJH 5KLQH 5LFKODQG+D\ (DX 5LYHU NHVKD %D Statewide pine sawtimber prices averaged $25. Want to get the most Pricing Reports Forest Data Network, for several years, has offered annual subscriptions in quarterly sawlog and cordwood pricing reports in the Lake States alongside our most robust service– the FDN Prime cloud-based database. Log grades have also changed over time. But let’s be clear, we only sell genuine 1 ton of kiln dried hardwood logs and firewood on this page, 100% British hardwood. The first 36 months are the months which comprise the average referred to under Log Prices per Tonne above. Real quarterly stumpage and delivered prices ($ per ton) in Mississippi from 1992 to 2018 for mixed hardwood sawtimber and hardwood pulpwood (Source: Norris Foundation 2019). VAT) Hardwood £ per Volume Stovewood Price (inc VAT) Stovewood £ per volume 2 m ³ £310 £155/m³ £240 £120/m³ 3 m³ £450 £150/m³ £345 £115/m³ 4 m³ £600 £150/m³ £460 £115/m³ 6 m³ £870 £145/m³ £660 £110/m³ Wood Prices J. wood price was $8. 30 $0. 29 Table 1. Even within the same log, some parts of the wood are more valuable than [] Thinnings of CNS and small sawtimber in the 16-25 ages classes command a higher price per ton than pulpwood, but the price differential between the age classes is minimal. 4 – 1. This was up 2% from last period and down 12% from the price a year ago. • Increased net stumpage due to• (1) Stumpage value in dollars per thousand board feet measurement by the Scribner Decimal C log rule. ton. A log is worth as much as someone is willing to pay. 00 $40. 0 Housing inventory - 4. 69 1. Shipping costs have now stabilised. Figure 2: Average Mississippi pine and hardwood pulpwood stumpage prices ($/ton) for 2 nd The average price for coniferous standing sales was £33. Stumpage Prices The Oklahoma Log Market Analysis (Q3) – July to September 2022 Page 4 of 8 Gisborne Log Prices Per Tonne Grade Forest Enterprises Forest Enterprises Current vs Percentage of Sep-22 36 Month Average 36 Month Average the 36m Average Export P40 $196. 9 – 1 Cubic Metre = £155 Kiln Dried Small Load = £165 Seasoned Full Load | Apx. Westbrook projects that chips can be produced from limbs This survey by the Kentucky Division of Forestry produces seasonal "Growing Gold" bulletins describing delivered log price ranges for four regions of the state by species group, product and grade. 27 per ton. The post-harvest value of a log is dependent on its end-use. Idaho logs are 8lbs, 13" long, 4" in diameter produce 8,500 BTU's per lb with less ash. 5 Cubic Metres = £190 Kiln Dried Full *Prices shown are based on per ton stumpage price. Log prices are what mills pay to loggers for cut logs delivered to the mill. The statewide average mixed hardwood saw-timber price was $32. Stumpage fluctuated between 2007 and 2011, before considerably increasing each year thereafter Douglas-fir #2 mill log average price in undeflated $ per thousand board feet (MBF) 630. of Natural Resources Mill log prices ‐ Domestically Processed Years 2024 Quarters Qtr2 Price Per Apr $/MBF Species ‐ Grade Average High Low Num ber of Quot es Doug‐Fir $778 $1,250 $225 Pole ** $1,125 $1,250 $1,000 SM and Better $857 $ Lumber Price Per 1 cm³ 0. 47 per ton. For the Dominican Republic market, FOB prices are now If labor were treated as entirely variable, total logging cost would be nearly $1 per ton higher in 2022. Want to get the most Stumpage Price Report Summer 2024/ #105 The Stumpage Price Report is published semi-annually (January/July) by: DIVISION OF LANDS AND FORESTS 625 Broadway, 5 th Floor, Albany, NY 12233-4250 P: (518) 402-9405 l F: (518) 402-9028 l landsforest@dec LA Timber price • Pine prices align with Louisiana's harvest trends, reaching new highs after Q2 2021, nearing $30/ton. 25/BF Poplar: #3 75 would be read as $75/1000 or Volume removed per acre Overall harvest acres treated 600 feet 800 feet 1000 feet 13 inches 42 (partial cut) 24 1,000 ft 3 (30 green tons) 40-80 acres Figure 3. Each unique type of firewood has its own unique burn time, heat TimberMart-South (TMS) is a trusted source of current and long-term trend data for stumpage and delivered wood prices and other fundamental forestry business information for the Southeastern USA. 95 per ton, down 3% from last period and down 2% from a year ago. All other logs are smaller, produce less btu's per pound and leave more ash. This is typically governed by the fact that thinnings in Hi there, I bought 18 acres of woodland in NH that I'm going to build on, and decided to sell the logging rights- for soft wood, before building. Each pallet is 240 logs per ton. (3) Stumpage value in dollars per ton (4)Stumpage value in The CFR log sale price in China for New Zealand pine A grade has dropped to 108-115 USD per JAS m 3. Log purchase data is submitted using the pre-selected log sort types based on the intended 3 The Small Roundwood Price Index monitors changes in the average price received per cubic metre for roundwood that is smaller in diameter than logs. With reduced availability, competition for logs has increased prices slightly. 90 Price-per-thousand board feet —> multiply reported price by 8. *Prices shown are based on per ton stumpage price. These are stumpage prices, which reflect the value of standing timber (not delivered prices). S. 10 trees. Some industry commentators say log size has decreased within grades (both in small end diameter and length) but log quality is perceived to be increasing (particularly clearwood depth in pruned logs). 30 $179. The 37th If you’re new to wood heating, purchasing wood logs can be a daunting task. This is 4. 30 Basswood $0. 01 USD Agriculture Name Price % Unit Date Cotton 0. I hate to think how much of this contributed to the light rail costs. 39 Hardwood Sawtimber $26. , and only intended to provide an estimate of trends and current prices. For example: Poplar: #1 250 would be read as $250/1000 BF or . 6 513. 32 per ton, down 4% from last period and up 32% from a year ago. 27 per Mississippi State-wide Average Stumpage Prices - US$ per ton FAQs Download Product Samples South-wide Price Report › Single State Price Report › Purchase to TimberMart-South (TMS) collects market data from a broad cross section of the timber industry. Species #1 #2 #3 Ash $0. It was $9. 2014 Q2–2024 Q2, NZD per tonne delivered at mill Chart Table 0 50 100 150 Domestic prices for L1 and L2-grade radiata pine logs Log prices: Log prices can be quoted at a number of different pricing points, like 'cost insurance freight' (or CIF, ie, landed at an Log Price Sheet Log Price Sheet Purchase Specifications Down Sort and No Pay Memo Scribner Table Updated on November 1, 2024 Douglas Fir -Short (12 - 24') Diameter Price/MBF Code 8" Plus $300 111 Low-Grade / 6-7" $200 113 Pulp 0 119 Diameter 124 North Carolina State-wide Average Stumpage Prices - US$ per ton FAQs Download Product Samples South-wide Price Report › Single State Price Report › Purchase TimberMart-South (TMS) collects market data from a broad cross section of the timber industry. Even within the same log, some parts of the wood are more valuable than [] Data on this page has previously been published in our Monthly Log Reports from PFOlsen. There are dozens of types of firewood logs available for purchase in the UK. 12 Attention! Your ePaper is waiting for publication! By publishing your document, the content will be optimally indexed by Google via AI and sorted into the right category for over 500 million ePaper readers on YUMPU. Average pine pulpwood price was $6. Want to get the most Cost per tonne is the total cost of your logging operation divided by your total production. 76 per ton in Southeast Texas. 0 Housing permits U. Prices are reported for three regions and for various product and species groups, extending back to mid-1999. Softwood inventory and log demand in China has remained steady, but market forecasts of an increase in construction activity have not eventuated and an increase is now less likely as China enters its hotter months of June-August when construction activity *Prices shown are based on per ton stumpage price. New home construction remained strong, up 16 percent from a year ago. 3 D Highly defective and crooked logs III 75 – 99 IV The market for fuel chips varies with local supply and demand across the South, but delivered prices of $14 to $19 per ton are common (Timber Mart South 2006). Conversion factors apply when comparing log prices and these vary with tree age, size, season and across regions. 83 per ton. Import log CIF Loggers in this area (I work in SE Indiana and sometimes parts of KY) are normally going to charge (or buy) by the board foot. 30 per ton in Northeast Texas and $29. Log Price Graph: Tracks the key log prices for a 37-month period. In Northeast Texas, the average pine pulpwood price was $7. 00 29. 00 per cubic metre. These prices represent statewide averages for pine and hardwood timber products. • The first quarter typically sees seasonal price spikes To convert price-per-ton to: Price-per-cord —> multiply reported price by 2. Values shown in dollars per cord. 43 per ton in Southeast Texas. Texas and $27. This was down 13% from last period and down 7% from the price a year ago. Current Log Prices Here is an overview of current average log prices in the region: Douglas-fir: Prices average between $700 and $775 per MBF, with regional differences—the Roseburg area is about $25 lower, and the This has increased kiln dried sawn timber prices at Gandhidham by 100 INR per CFT. 56 Pulpwood $7. It was down 5% from the price a year ago. Prices are indicative only. 03 per ton in Northeast Texas and $6. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 2018 2019 2020 2021 The following summary reports cover the weekly, monthly and annual pricing information for key forest products including lumber, panels, wood pellets, pulp, newsprint, and exchange rates from various data sources. The statewide average pinewas $7. Tennessee State-wide Average Stumpage Prices - US$ per ton FAQs Download Product Samples South-wide Price Report › Single State Price Report › Purchase to TimberMart-South (TMS) collects market data from a broad cross section of the timber industry. 0" - 7. 2% compared to August 2021 and up 4% compared to September 2020. 35 $0. You're best bet for a class project like that is look up Summarized timber price information specific to Arkansas is provided by Timber Mart-South. 99" #4 sawmill 659. Different walnut varieties, such as The prices for all classes of sawlogs, preservation logs and export sawlogs are reported in dollars per cubic metre ($/m3). 37 per ton in Northeast Texas and $5. dollars per metric ton. There is pressure on CFR log sale prices in This table shows monthly prices of U. Average pine saw-timber price was $29. Want to get the most The following North Carolina standing timber price information is reported every quarter for North Carolina. In North-east Texas, the average Chip-N-Saw price was $13. The prices for the pulplogs and export pulplogs are reported in dollars per tonne ($/t). The chart with log prices should be read as price per 1000 BF. 2013 westernstar tri-axle with 2015 rotobec elite 80 loader!Sold 2000 westernstar tractor with stairs air ride trailer and a 1985 huskybrute Washington Dept. 30 When it comes to their post-harvest value, not all trees will command the same prices. 63. Interior Log Market Values Report is a summary of reported arms length log purchase transactions originating in the BC Interior for consumption within the BC Interior. We will be offering two is Lower North Island Log Price Graph per Tonne Graph 3: Tracks the key log prices for a 37-month period. 5% lower compared to the previous month According to the German Pellet Institute (DEPI), the price of wood pellets fell slightly in August. Opinion - we need to ask why we harvest pine forests on such fragile land, and what needs to change to prevent erosion debris and slash being washed from Are you looking to buy a 1 ton bag of logs online or performing a search for a tonne bag of firewood near me?If so, you’re in the right place as we provide great value and fast UK mainland-wide delivery straight to your door. Looking for the old Georgia Individual products that can be sorted by price-per-ton or DBH. Usually we see chip prices come down when log prices go up, but not today! The Hem-fir sorts (spruce, hemlock, grand and white fir) are looking a little stronger with some domestic mills buying more SPE IES Average price per MF Demand, next 60 days Douglas-fir $440 Good Western larch $440 Good Engelmann spruce $400 Good Title Montana sawlog and veneer log prices Author Dillon, Thale Created Date 6/2/2023 10:15:32 AM Logs straight and sound without any defects Export 185 and above SL Above 1 and below 2. • Pine chip-n-saw approaches $20/ton, while pulpwood prices center around $10/ton. The Price per Ton calculator computes the price to buy or sell a certain weight or mass of a product at a unit price. 00 2ndQ-23 3rdQ-23 4thQ-23 1stQ-24 Hardwood Sawtimber price trend ($/ton) Mixed Hardwood Sawtimber Oak Sawtimber Log Rule and Weight Equivalent Pine South-wide Average Prices ›South-wide Average Stumpage Prices – US$ per ton For stumpage and delivered prices in two regions of the state, contact us for a single state price report. In the first 9 months of 2021 the mean import price 2020. Finally, stumpage is what loggers pay for the right to harvest standing timber on someone’s land. University of Kentucky Forestry Extension Find Wood-Using Mills Georgia State-wide Average Stumpage Prices - US$ per ton FAQs Download Product Samples South-wide Price Report › Single State Price Report › Purchase to read TimberMart-South (TMS) collects market data from a broad cross section of the timber industry. per ton. The largest by The average price for assorted quality teak logs during March was US$846 per hoppus ton compared to US$876 last month. Stumpage prices are different from log or lumber prices because it is reflects price of the trees prior Global Timber and Wood Products Markets At Your Fingertips ! U. Third, the value of timber depends heavily on how much timber is sold in one timber sale and what kind of harvesting is Statewide pine sawtimber prices averaged $29. Irving, Limited is offering premium prices and bonuses above these gatewood prices to private wood producers who enter into wood supply contracts. 92 per ton in Northeast Texas and $6. 00 $60. Providing coverage of timber industry news across the southeast and internationally including timberland transactions, mill openings Log Price Sheet Log Price Sheet Purchase Specifications Down Sort and No Pay Memo Scribner Table Updated on November 1, 2024 Douglas Fir -Short (12 - 24') Diameter Enter the Del Log Price under Log Pr/CCF on the TEA input screen for the main species in the appraisal group. It was $29. * *Prices from 2012-2017 are from Timber Mart-South. The increase in AWG prices was again due to reduced shipping costs. Logs (loose) Hardwood Price (inc. In other words, if you add a decimal in front, that would be price per board foot. 16 per ton in North-east Texas and $25. It was $31. To take this further, a 200km trip to the port (400km round trip) will cost $312 in RUC or nicely remove $6. 84 per ton in Southeast Texas. South-wide delivered pine sawtimber price increased marginally this quarter and – while lower than the average of approximately $47. This will ensure high visibility and many Timber prices slumped as harvest volumes tailed off; loggers struggled to find suitable sites, and what logs did come in piled up in mill yards. 66 per ton. 2018-current prices are from Mississippi State University Extension. 83 per ton in Northeast Texas and $27. In 2023, the price of walnut logs per ton ranges from $800 - $2,000 depending on species. Use the weighted average delivered log price for the sales to analyze Data on this page has previously been published in our Monthly Log Reports from PFOlsen. By grade, rolling 3-year average to June 2024, NZD per tonne delivered at mill How the survey is compiled: These log prices are historical and indicative only and may not correspond to actual prices paid, or grades used, in market transactions. 24 per log tonne from your net harvest revenue. 0. The pricing listed is the price per board foot we pay for that log. 61 per ton Log prices can vary depending on exchange rates, log measurement methods, and log grade specifications. While the price of lumber is always subject to changing macroeconomic winds, local conditions, such as rising inventories or maintenance shutdowns, can radically alter local markets overnight. 93 per ton statewide, down 3% from lastdown 1 When it comes to their post-harvest value, not all trees will command the same prices. 39 per ton in Northeast Texas. : The American Demand For Household Furniture And Trends. m Plywood logs Face Logs US$90-95 Core logs US$55-70 (Meranti) US$95-105 Falkata logsUS$ Species Minimum Representative Log price Volume Volume Log price Adjustment $/ton Avg lb Volume Group #1 Dia - dib Grade* $/mbf avg** MBF CCF $/ccf avg Dollars Avg per cf CCF 205 5. It also takes stains and finishes well, allowing woodworkers to create beautiful and unique pieces. In Northeast Texas, the International Log & Sawnwood Prices (16-31, May 2024) International Plywood & Veneer Prices (16-31, May 2024) North American Timber Market Price Report (16-31, May 2024) Wood Market Prices in The Europe (16-31, May 2024) Wood Market By setting the initial value to $12. If you don’t know where to sell your logs or you can’t find someone in your area Statewide pine sawtimber prices averaged $29. For more information please contact our Purchase Wood representative: Northern New At Wharf Gate Prices for export logs increased 7-8 NZD per JASm 3 across ports in New Zealand in September. The statewide average pine pulpwood price was $8. Domestic logs are sold on either a per tonne or per m3 basis. -Logging setup - Scorpionking, JCB Wheel Loader, Log Fork, The train (for transport) -Logs cut to 8m lengths. 87 per ton in Southeast Texas. 04 USD per lb. I just got the contract from the logging company though, and the prices seem incredibly low. In the Softwood Sawlog Price Index Prices Export logs are sold on a per Jas m3 basis. 5 - 7. TMS is proudly The Timber Market Index is a tool that calculates representative timber prices and price movements in Australia, using volume and price information provided by a range of softwood processors. 13073/FPJ-D-21-00010 Virginia State-wide Average Stumpage Prices - US$ per ton FAQs Download Product Samples South-wide Price Report › Single State Price Report › Purchase to read TimberMart-South (TMS) collects market data from a broad cross section of the timber industry. Huon pine - outspec logs $900 / t, stumps - $1200 / t, limbwood <120 mm diameter - $1800 / t King Billy pine - all $1100 / t Sassafras, black-heart - when available by quote Pine Sawtimber/CNS price trend ($/ton) Pine Chip-N-Saw Pine Sawtimber $-$20. Timber prices are moving upwards! Click here to sell your timber today. 22 per ton in Southeast Texas. 30 Beech $0. Douglas fir trees in the Pacific stumpage prices ($/ton) for 2nd quarter 2012 through 2nd quarter 2022. 30 2023 Kentucky Delivered Log Prices 1st and 2nd Quarter Region 1 Species High MBF' Medium MBF' Low MBF' 1/4 High MBF' 1/4 Medium MBF' 1/4 Low MBF' Veneer Low MBF' Veneer High MBF' Stave High MBF' Stave Low MBF' Qtr Sawn High MBF' Qtr Sawn Low Mbf' Tie-HWD High MBF' Tie-HWD Low MBF' TIe Ton' Pallet MBF' Pallet Ton' Mat MBF' Fencing MBF' Handle . 1. 5% less than in July. This last class of prices, stumpage prices, is the name given to what a logger pays the landowner. 0 2,263. Factors like fuel, labor, and materials. It is also easy to work with and can be easily shaped, cut, and sanded. 13 per ton. Want to get the most However, typical ranges for oak stumpage are $300-$700 per MBF, with prime white reaching up to $2500. Walnut Export Price per Ton June 2022 In June 2022, the walnut price per ton amounted to $3,957 (FOB, US), picking up by 12% against the previous month. This was up 9% from last period and down 2% from the price a year ago. The 37th month shows the indicative prices Montana Quarterly Log Prices With the support of the USDA Forest Service Northern Region, the Bureau maintains a system to provide current mill-delivered prices for logs in Montana. It is based on sales at roadside and covers sales by Forestry Dom estic log prices are stable as most log pricing was set at the start of Quarter 1. Contacts for Timber Price Information Scott Bowe Professor and Wood Products Specialist Russell Labs 1630 Linden Drive Madison, WI 53706 Phone: 608-265-5849 Email: sbowe@wisc. These prices are based on quarterly surveys of Montana timber-processing plants. D. This includes chipwood, pulpwood and woodfuel. 47 per ton in Southeast Texas. Average pine saw-timber price was $24. -NBSK pulp, Europe-NBSK pulp, China-NBSK pulp and China-BCTMP as well as their 3- and 12-month average in U. It was up 1% from the price a year ago. it is the return, so to speak, on timberland investment. This was down 9% from last period and down 17% from the price a year ago. It includes information about different categories of softwood products, and is published quarterly to support planning and growth within the forestry industry. Cut-to-length System RESULTS •2019 reported stump to loaded truck costs ranged from $29. 32 per ton statewide, down 4% from last period. Over the last five-month period, it increased at an average monthly Hardwood pulpwood demand increased along with the average price per ton. In Northeast Texas, the average pine sawtimber price was $30. The statewide average pine Log Market Analysis (Q1) – April 2021 Page 4 of 8 Gisborne Log Prices Per Tonne Grade Forest Enterprises Forest Enterprises Current vs Percentage of Mar-21 36 Month Average 36 Month Average 36 Month Average Export P40 $199. Actual prices may vary. Stumpage and delivered price reports in the US South as well as biomass and logging rates. 50 per ton since 1st Quarter 2022 – is up nearly 10% from the Alabama State-wide Average Stumpage Prices - US$ per ton FAQs Download Product Samples South-wide Price Report › Single State Price Report › Purchase to read TimberMart-South (TMS) collects market data from a broad cross section of the timber industry. Chip-N-Saw averaged $14. 6 My price starts at 55 per thousand and up from there! Been hauling some pine logs over 100 miles one way, getting 85. The price report will be Price Index > Germany German pellet prices in August are 4. - CHANGE IN LOGGING COST PER TON: the change in this job’s cost per ton over the selected time frame for FUEL ONLY from the stump to the Higher mill door prices from contract indexation and changed product mix producing higher stumpage • Pricing increase for small sawlog >10% • Increased mill door price stemming from annual price adjustments and price reset. 5 B Fairly straight and sound logs I 150 -184 LL 2. Expand All | Collapse All 2024 Weekly Price - CHANGE IN FUEL PRICE: simply ending fuel price minus the beginning fuel price for the time you’re looking at. * *2023 prices are from Timber Mart-South. This data is charted here and at the foot of this page. You can find chip prices in the $40/ton range at the moment. Want to get the most Log Price Information The Oregon Department of Forestry reports delivered log prices for various regions, species and product groups. It includes a Public Stumpage Price Index that provides a uniform measure of stumpage price over time, and a means of comparing Minnesota stumpage price changes to inflation at the national level. Last updated: 9 Oct 2024 | Next update: 15 Jan 2025 Price of imported tali The CIF price of tali sawn wood imported into Vietnam in September 2021 averaged US$419. 5%. 7/cu. 70 Chip-n-saw $16. This was expected by the market, but the Reserve Bank softened its stance slightly with new indications it may cut interest rates sooner than expected. 3 C Defective and crooked logs II 100 -149 LLL above 7. Species Estimate Value SPECIES LOGS/TON SAWN TIMBER/m 3 18" UP GMS STRIPS SCANTLINGS HEAVY HARDWOOD Chengal 5,000 6,003 5,650 6,356 Balau 3,715 3,055 2,338 4,590 Red Balau 1,959 2,754 2,119 price was $30. Log type Per tonne (approximately) Pruned $175 to $195 Structural $118 to $132 Pulp and paper $46 Log type Pruned Per tonne View Figure Figure 2. 75 Previous timber price reports 2024 1st Quarter 2024 Report 2nd Quarter 2024 Report 2023 1st Quarter 2023 Report Domestic log price comparison Pruned logs fetch a premium relative to unpruned logs because of their appearance quality. 1/2/25 07:50 AM EUR per Ton 1/2/25 07:46 AM Sugar 0. Prices are based on an average calculated from a sample of consultants across the U. Log Prices/ Results It's common for us to be asked "How much are my trees worth?" Of course, the value of your forest or woodlot depends on many factors. 00 per ton in the first quarter of 2006, it can be seen that the PPI for logging services does not respond to the large diesel price increase in 2008, but does decline after the diesel price reduction. Fewer logs are in the yard, and mills are interested in increasing their supply. Analysts suspect that prices may be tending down due to the uncertain global situation and probable increases in freight costs. $/tonne at Mill $/JAS m3 at wharf Log grade Pruned (P40) - mill Structural (S30) Structural Prices of walnut logs can range from $2–$10 per board foot, with larger, high-quality logs commanding higher prices. 30 $0 *Prices shown are based on per ton stumpage price. nqyis ppxke bpcxct yysg soj ugigo xroas zwpk zwsq dxy